After long consideration on whether or not I would blog today. I gave into my own sense of responsibility.  So, it's short but not so sweet.  The way that language evolves sick can mean different things. For example sick can be a good thing. As in: that tattoo is sick. But for today we will be using the word in the traditional sense.  I am sick.  I have spent the last day rolling around, wrapped in blankets.  Sweating and shivering.  Getting up only to go to the loo, for a plethora of reasons...I will leave to your imagination. 

 In recent history I have called into work sick, when I was actually hungover.  I have ducked out of events early claiming illness.  But the worst I have had is a bothersome nagging cough and cold drippy nose.  Oh how things change. This is the first year I didn't get the flu shot. I thought with my track record of having been flu free for 7 years, I would be safe.  Never thinking the reason for my health was the one thing I didn't do.  If I were a bit stronger I would kick myself.

 In The Devil Wears Prada, the extremely thin receptionist says: ' I am just one stomach flu away from being my ideal weight.'. I on the other hand would rather exercise and eat veggies- to achieve that goal. The flu fast is not my wheelhouse. Neither is fasting in general.  The gurgle of emptiness paired with the shriek of burning acid.  Of all things pain related I suffer most with stomach pain. I can muddle through a headache.  The bruises I get constantly are tolerable.  It's the sick and dizzies that I can't stand.  So, if you can hear my Pepto fairy- bring me some relief.  Please don't make me Gravol. 

 Growing thoughts in the garden of your mind.  There's a feeling when an idea is just a tickle. Hiding untold secrets like pollen or maple keys. Ticking time lapse photography as the idea starts to germinate. Splitting open like the seeds of fortune. Sprouting stems and growing into the flowers of imagination.  Before you know it, you're tending to row on row; heavy with the fruits of your labour.

  Have you been thinking about something? Something important. Something that just won't uproot itself from your mind.  Maybe you've lost something or you're formulating a complex theory about *insert science methodology here.  Maybe it's a never ending to do list.  If you're lucky it's a beautiful concept yet to be planted. But what if it's a weed? Strangling all your smaller thoughts and blocking out the sun? When you're working on a problem, it can be hard to hoe another row. But sometimes the only thing that ever really removes a stubborn stone is to stop thinking so much. Think about something else. That's the way brains work.  Your mind is a delicately balanced eco-system. Sun, rain and love will help your thoughts to grow up strong and healthy. 

 I don't have a green thumb by any means, but I live for spring flowers and summer fruits.  Every spring ideas burst forth in radiant colour.  But beware.  Winter is coming.  Now is the time to plant your thought bulbs. Let them take root.  Awaking as the winter earth thaws.  Your idea will poke it's delicate green stem through the softening ground.  Waiting patiently for that spring sunshine to warm the earth. For me spring is further away than I can stand.   Perhaps I should invest in a greenhouse to cultivate my ideas all year round. 

  Baby steps, taking your time and half measures-  I can't say I'm a fan.  I have been told once or twice *insert throat clear* I mean a lot, that I put too much pressure on myself.  Expecting to achieve life long dreams in dog years.  C'mon Melicious get it together! Yesterday's appearance on a National morning show was exhilarating.  Being invited to a movie premiere, picked up at the Breaking Dawn (Twilight reference) in a schmancy car and broadcasting my smile across the country was amazing.  So, why, as soon as I finished did I feel like I was under-achieiving?  Why couldn't I just allow myself one day of gratitude and celebration?  Oh, that's right, because I put a lot of pressure on myself and never quite live up to my own insanely high standards.

  There are so very many reasons that I should celebrate.  I have a loving Hubby, a great group of friends-that I don't see often enough-wicked family, a steady job, a few great ideas and my health.  Plus the Puppa tink and Bucy goose, which goes without saying.  So, why is it I can't just be happy with what I've got?  There is a theory floating around that it may be genetic.  Allow me to elaborate:  My Momma opened a retail store this past week, before finishing her current term as Councillor, while still working a full time job.  My Papa B who builds bathrooms on the weekend, while digging up the front and side yard and runs a company with 5 fulltime staff.  Of these lists I have also left off their volunteer habits, their assorted groups and clubs, oh yeah and sleeping/eating- a highly undervalued commodity in our household.   I am not blaming them- it's better than being raised by some no-good-lay-abouts with a reputation for no-good!  But watching them strive to better themselves has challenged me to do the same.  Only worse, because I do it Artistically.  

  While attending performing arts school I learned to express myself.  To climb every mountain and dream the impossible dream.  Well, here's a surprise, artists don't get paid much, so to supplement my pro-bono art, I work really hard at other things.  But this leaves me tired and uninspired...and a bit pouty. My big fat bottom lip hanging out just waiting for a bird to perch.  Don't get me wrong. I am of course grateful for all I have, I just thought I would be further along on this journey.  Closer to having a vacation.  Closer to finishing my book.  Closer to being thin.  And just closer to not being so far away from my-sometimes unrealistic- goals.  Here's the thing, I know that half the fun is getting there, I just wish the directions were a little more clear.  Though, I guess I am to blame for that too, as I keep changing the destination...but that's a story for another time.  
   The hardest part of any art? The middle.  All creators of all art forms know that the idea is exciting.  Creating an original concept, all your own- what could be better?  The planning and pitching can be a hard but rewarding way to share your art.  It's the middle.  That becomes the hardest, longest and most challenging part.  When the art becomes work.  And that's not what we signed on for as creative folks.  Creative people can have a hard time fulfilling their own dreams.  And the amount and quality of material an artist creates is dictated by their commitment to their goal and personal deadlines.  Making art is a hard career.  It's easy to loose interest in art that becomes work.  Especially in the middle.

  This theory applies to acting.  Auditioning is a challenge.  Creating a character from the sides provided.  Convincing a table full of folks who know what they're looking for, that you are that thing.  The waiting until the word comes you were cast. The first day of rehearsals and getting to know your castmates- awesome.  Building your character, complimenting your cast and memorizing the words written for you to express yourself.  Then the middle begins.  Strangely the middle lasts until after opening, through the run and into the final week of shows, when the work suddenly doesn't feel so worky anymore.  It becomes art again.  And that art becomes fun again.  It applies to music.  Sitting with your instrument, your band, your creativity, writing what comes to mind.  Fooling around until you're happy with what this tiny idea has transformed into; a fully formed music baby. Then comes the strumming and rehearsal of the song.  Followed by playing that song until you've forgotten why it was so special when you wrote it.  Painters know that a new canvas holds untold opportunities for expression.  The minute a brush hits the surface, it becomes harder ever finish, the long lonely hours spent planning and painting.  Don't even get me started on writers. There are scripts, novellas and poems sitting unfinished in drawers and on desktops.  Millions of secret art, awaiting their fate in the unfun middle.  Art is hard.  
  This is the unseen side of art.  The hustle, the bustle, the grind.  Beginning, begging and borrowing.  Trying to stay motivated through the work.  The constant possibility that you and you're art may not be as special as they thought.  The fear that you will let the ever present "THEM" down.  That the people who believe in you might have misplaced their faith.  The fear that you might try your hardest to produce the most special art that you will ever create.  Only to have no one notice.  To be alone in your art.  Art is meant to be shared.  But what if you aren't an artist?  What if after years of trying, lying, starving and striving, you're not good enough?  Well, my friend, just that fear alone says you're an artist.  So struggle, sweat and swear.  Maybe cry a few times.  As for my Art?  I can hardly remember the start and I am no where near the end.  But I am closer to where the dreaded middle ends, and it becomes fun again...I hope.
   In an industry where youth is celebrated- sought after and faked, turning another year older can be a lot to recover from.  Birthdays are supposed to be special. The one day to feel celebrated. One day a year where you are the number 1, top banana, king of the day; unless of course you're a twin.  A day to be doted on.  Loved and adored by those who love and adore you. Receiving birthday wishes from all those who think I'm something special. Family and friends eager to enjoy my company. But how does getting older really feel?

  My Grandma Near; before she lost her mind to dementia said to me: "I don't remember getting old.  I was 22 then I was 80, but that 22 year old is still in here."*pointing to her noggin. Then she asked me how babies were made. Strange disease Alzheimer's, forgetting who you are before your done with being yourself.  But that's a story for another day. Growing older I have started to understand the importance of making memories.  The urge to celebrate and be with the ones you love. Growing up, well, growing taller I can't help but wonder what the future holds for me. And most of all I've realized that just because you're not doing something doesn't mean things aren't happening. You can't stop progress.  I think that getting older is a good thing for me. It's hard to admit that I won't be a reckless teen or self-involved twenty-something ever again. I am becoming a responsible adult.  I am growing into my hit- acting-wise. Which should be a good thing*fingers, legs, arms and toes crossed. I am digging on being a grown up...except the ever increasing creases.

   After all the indulgence birthdays bring, I will be happy to get back to veggies. The day after my party I had a sugar hangover and my tongue was swollen from sour candies. Plus my just-washed-jeans were a little tighter that morning. My body had just started being healthy for reasons of business and pleasure. And was starting to feel good. But now that I am one year older it won't be so easy staying in shape says Hubby who's been (infuriatingly) the same size since we met. Happy Birthday to me. I am glad to make these new resolutions with you. Here's to a Happy New Year of Melicious:) 
   I am just going to go ahead and coin the term North Poehler! A Canadian who loves Amy Poehler- catchy I know! Whoa! That was too many exclamation points.  Anyhow, while watching Parks and Rec, I was schooled about "Treat Yo'Self"! A yearly tradition when you get to spoil yourself for the whole day.  Well, being the broke sass I am, it's not likely I'll get to Treat My'self anytime soon. But since it is my birthday, I thought I would write a 
"Treat Yo Self" wish list:)

1. An iPad to aide in my internet takeover

2. Unlimited Hula classes 

3. Full body massage with rose water facial and scalp treatment

4. Ukulele Manicure and Kandy Korn Pedicure

5. Vaca to a sunny beach so I can catch up on my reading

6. Create a Melicious Manners logo design

7. A pretty pink princess dress complete with tiara and blonde updo wig

8. Pin-up style vintage photo shoot and new head shots!

9. Limo for 8 going to Niagara Falls to do all the quirky museums and Ripley's and a room with a view of the Falls

10. Snap up those high priced concert tickets- Maroon 5, Pink and Bon Jovi

11. A $500 gift certificate to Lululemon 

12. Mojitos and Playa Cabana catering all day long

13. Those dang Ikea shelves put up by a Handy Man

14. More lessons with Ukeologist Judy! 

15. Dance lessons & circus training- but that might take more than a day

16. Prepaid personal shopper with a flair for vintage

17. I was going to do wishes up to my age, but I then thought better of it:) 

  This list doesn't sound like much of a Treat My'self day, it sounds like a MeliciousManners Better Yo'Self list with vacations and a few future plans thrown in for colour. Sigh. It's strange to think that my treats are learning, escaping and improving. My fellow North Poehlers, I encourage you to think about ways to "Treat Yo'Self"! Maybe you should watch Parks & Rec; 22mins of awesomesauce in it's 5th season of Wowey!  Available on Netflix!  Another exclamation?!? Really? I need less enthusiasm or more emoticons...emoticons it is:)

  Writing, every person who can write, does.  That's not to say that every person can do it well.  And people who practise can typically write even better.  Well, people, I can do it, I do it well and I practise.  That should stand on it's own. But it doesn't, writing is something that is beautifully read in the eyes of the beholder.  The value of those words and stories depend on the reader.  People who can read, do it.  And do it everyday.  And people who can write will continue to do it. Hopefully they do it well.  Otherwise what would happen in a world without stories?

   I want to write stories and tell tales and maybe even spin a yarn or two.  I always have.  I want to tell stories to people.  Stories that roll around in my head.  The characters I hang with when I am on my own, and the mischief they get into.  But I want to be able to work on them, because I love them.  But asking for money for something you love. Well, that just makes me feel guilty.  Wanting to be working at something you're in love with, seems greedy. Most people are happy with a job, a steady pay check- Too bad if you don't like it.  Do it for the money.  I should be happier that I am doing what I love and that is it's own reward.  Oh and it really is.  I love having inside jokes in an online world.  I love that I have been tough enough on myself to stick with it.  But it does seem kinda lack luster when your big launch happens and it's just you typing at a computer and your dog waiting to go for a walk.   Also there's a missing thank you cuz I want to reward you for reading.  For making this an emotional success for me.  I do want to start working on more of a contractual basis, you know like a job. But here's the problem, I don't have any experience.

 I don't have experience? Okay, I am not sure how much more practise I will need before I start gaining some "experience".  I have not dealt with deadlines.  Because daily entries for 11 months straight, is a flimsy work ethic.  Oh a track record.  Perhaps a school newspaper? Head of the Young Voices of Canada club? Maybe I have 2 years to work as an unpaid intern in a publishing firm or daily rag.  I should have a degree in journalism with at least 5+ years of online media editorial experience.   Alright, alright already, I am so I'm not Arianna Huffington.  And I am not saying I am Tolstoy, I would never be that presumptuous. I will, however wait for a critic to say it, then quote it on my FB fanpage and the outside jacket of my book, well series of books.  Sorry, tangent, I was also writing my Oscar speech, but I can't decide which category I am accepting for.  As far as I am concerned I have already climbed that well written mountain, in my mind.  Now how do I photoshop this resume to prove I am up here? Cuz people are never going to believe I was.  Okay, okay, so maybe they're right I do need a bit more practice. But I am on the journey to becoming an above average writer, if I do say so myself. And I just did.
   Picture this: A pretty pretty Princess wearing a pretty pink dress sits brushing her glimmering blonde hair and humming to herself.  Two tiny bluebirds and one giant Cardinal hear her song and flutter down to perch on her shoulder and start singing harmony.  Then two of the world's sweetest wittle bunny wabbits scoot under the fence, drawn to her by the birdie's #tweets.  A baby deer pokes her head into the courtyard, curious as to what all the buzz was about.  Did I forget to mention the Busy Bee family was there too? The Princess surrounded by her animal friends walks, well she glides really, to sit by her wishing well.  Starting her song again she looks down into the wishing well. 

Princess: I'm wishing 

Echo: I'm wishing

Princess: for the Prince I love

Echo: for the Prince I love

Princess: to find his dream job.  
To be happy and proud of himself. 
To be seen as the wicked talented dude he is. 
To prove to himself he hasn't wasted anything. 
To live and work at something he loves. 
To gain the self esteem he sometimes lacks.  
Cuz I am already proud of him.  
Oh, and I wish for him to carry the load for a while, until I finish my children's book, sell it or indie-gogo a self publish and we can both be stable people and know that we've made the right choices for ourselves. 
Disregarding what people have said about our rambling ways. 
Realizing that no matter how silly our dreams seem they deserve to be realized. 
And even though it's a hard row to sow, knowing that we've planted seeds, tended, watered and nurtured our imagination in the garden of our minds.
And even though we're a bit fruity, we're the sweetest kind.
I wish to continue on our tangled path of mixing business with pleasure. 
Then we can live happily ever more, knowing that we were right to stick to our guns. 
Please convince this geeky little boy wearing the cape, that he was right to dream big.  
I also wish for a mini unicorn.

Echo: Wow, that was a really long chorus and it didn't even rhyme. 
Your song writing skills are weaker than I thought, even worse than mine...
And I am a well. 

Princess: Yeah, a wishing well! 

The Princess and the birdies, the bunnies, the deer and the bees laughed and laughed and laughed 
until they stopped. Then the Well made all of the Princess' dreams come true. Her Prince came home happy and strong, with a mini-pony unicorn.  And they lived happily evermore.

   What a pretty, pretty picture that would be! Break an egg my Prince, my Hubby, my DreamMaker:) I am so very proud of you.

P.S. Check out Hubby's music video;) You'll love it!

    Procrastination, complacency and a short attention span.  Have you ever met someone who just wasn't quite reaching their potential? Someone with great ideas and no follow through.  Maybe a talented loved one who won't take a chance on themselves. The uncertified baby yoga instructor who doesn't want to spend the time for certification.  A close friend who's holding themselves back from the successes they could attain.  The biggest difference between success and complacency is actually doing it.  And the hardest part of doing anything? Is doing it.  It's no accident that some people succeed, contrarywise, it's no coincidence that others fail.

   My fear of failing myself (or the standard to which I hold myself)  has garnered me a semi popular blog, super amazing awesome wicked friends, a matching set of under eye baggage, a loving Hubby, a pair of saddle bags and the satisfaction of a job done- not always particulairly well, but I am completing my tasks and I am continuously challenging myself.  With persistent motivation, I am like a dog with a blog.  I have recognized how varied and difficult my goals are and I am confident that my stamina will be recognized- fingers crossed. Even if it is just by my Momma.  I've decided that I am unhappy being anything less than the person I want people to see me as.  Keeping it together is hard work, I am tired, but everything, good or bad, comes at a price.

   Working in an artistic arena I have had oppurtunity to meet all types of creative people.   Key root of the word being create.  But within the ranks of the creative there are people who sabotage themselves and others, for fear they will be left behind.  Writers who've never reached a climax. Dancers who don't stretch themselves. People who fall short of their potential.  Playing it safe because the fear of failing is more powerful than the possiblity of success. In my endeavors I have made an agreement with myself that I won't  be 'a day late and dollar short' to my own life.  

   So, here's my challenge to you cyber folks. Encourage all those under-estimaters to a challenge themselves.  Then challenge yourself!  Make a plan. A marking post to measure yourself by.  It's amazing how achievable dreams become when you break them down into bite sizes and add a dash of healthy competition. Today is the perfect day to be brave, be bold. Take your dreams by the procrastinators and hold on tight for a wild ride.  Instead of complacency, how about y'all come play with me!   I can probably pack your things in my under eye baggage:)

   At 2am after a night of working hard on an online submission audition Hubby came to bed angry.  Mad that he hadn't finished more.  Angry that things weren't as easy as he'd hoped.  Put out by how difficult it actually was putting together something that he could be proud of.  Both Hubby and I are perfectionists.... Did I mention that?  But perfection takes time, effort and stamina.  Also perfection takes a RED camera, lapel mics and at least 3 chimeras and 4 bounces- not to mention a choreographer, 1st AD and editor.  The reason professional things look that way, is because they have the money, smackers, yen and pesos to pay for it.  I can shoot as much as I want on my HD iPhone 4, but it's just never going to look perfect.

   On take 3 of shot #5 I realized it.  The reason we want so much of ourselves is because we want more people striving for perfection.  Being the poor and starving artists we know what we can do, why wouldn't we expect that or more from a film crew of 80.  This is the fact that makes us perfect for this industry of try hard perfectionists.  If there is something that I have heard in every interview- every performer wants the best art to be made for the effort they are making.  Would you do a nude scene? The answer across the board= If it was important to the story line, and if it is artistically done I would have no trouble doing it.  That comes from a performer who wants the best for each project. The face in front of a crew of people all pulling to make something beautiful.  Something unexpected. The performance of the season.  In every performance they do.  A true artist, of the starving variety is a perfectionist.  

   The inner monologue of the striver, the performer who wants to be their best goes like this: "Are my eyes blinking too much, on the next line I have to hit a mark accurately so that I am at my best angle, when I get to that mark I have to gesture with my left hand to the clue, while also picking up the prop I need for the next scene.  I have to exit the frame from the left. While holding this prop, so I can have it in the scene we're filming in 2 and 7/8th days. Oh and don't do that thing with you eye because you don't have that action until you turn around."  Plus remembering lines and saying them with the same intonation 27 times in a row.  You must be a perfect performer to even do the basics of this job.  That's not even taking into account the crying and screaming- and making that look honest.  Be you an ugly cryer like Halle Berry or the cryer that let's the tears roll freely without marring your still beautiful face.  Or how about fight scenes? Those are supposed to seem spontaneous, but they've been practised until the crew was ready to fall asleep. This is a tough job.  So, here's one going out to all the starry eyed youth thinking that you won't need math and science to be a famous actor.  It takes so much more than that.  Study social science, biology and athletics. Geography and History couldn't hurt either.  So, if you're coming down this yellow brick road, please pack a survival kit, cuz this life is tough and unexpected.  But the rest of us perfectionists are up for it, if you are:)