Growing thoughts in the garden of your mind.  There's a feeling when an idea is just a tickle. Hiding untold secrets like pollen or maple keys. Ticking time lapse photography as the idea starts to germinate. Splitting open like the seeds of fortune. Sprouting stems and growing into the flowers of imagination.  Before you know it, you're tending to row on row; heavy with the fruits of your labour.

  Have you been thinking about something? Something important. Something that just won't uproot itself from your mind.  Maybe you've lost something or you're formulating a complex theory about *insert science methodology here.  Maybe it's a never ending to do list.  If you're lucky it's a beautiful concept yet to be planted. But what if it's a weed? Strangling all your smaller thoughts and blocking out the sun? When you're working on a problem, it can be hard to hoe another row. But sometimes the only thing that ever really removes a stubborn stone is to stop thinking so much. Think about something else. That's the way brains work.  Your mind is a delicately balanced eco-system. Sun, rain and love will help your thoughts to grow up strong and healthy. 

 I don't have a green thumb by any means, but I live for spring flowers and summer fruits.  Every spring ideas burst forth in radiant colour.  But beware.  Winter is coming.  Now is the time to plant your thought bulbs. Let them take root.  Awaking as the winter earth thaws.  Your idea will poke it's delicate green stem through the softening ground.  Waiting patiently for that spring sunshine to warm the earth. For me spring is further away than I can stand.   Perhaps I should invest in a greenhouse to cultivate my ideas all year round. 

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