The hardest part of any art? The middle.  All creators of all art forms know that the idea is exciting.  Creating an original concept, all your own- what could be better?  The planning and pitching can be a hard but rewarding way to share your art.  It's the middle.  That becomes the hardest, longest and most challenging part.  When the art becomes work.  And that's not what we signed on for as creative folks.  Creative people can have a hard time fulfilling their own dreams.  And the amount and quality of material an artist creates is dictated by their commitment to their goal and personal deadlines.  Making art is a hard career.  It's easy to loose interest in art that becomes work.  Especially in the middle.

  This theory applies to acting.  Auditioning is a challenge.  Creating a character from the sides provided.  Convincing a table full of folks who know what they're looking for, that you are that thing.  The waiting until the word comes you were cast. The first day of rehearsals and getting to know your castmates- awesome.  Building your character, complimenting your cast and memorizing the words written for you to express yourself.  Then the middle begins.  Strangely the middle lasts until after opening, through the run and into the final week of shows, when the work suddenly doesn't feel so worky anymore.  It becomes art again.  And that art becomes fun again.  It applies to music.  Sitting with your instrument, your band, your creativity, writing what comes to mind.  Fooling around until you're happy with what this tiny idea has transformed into; a fully formed music baby. Then comes the strumming and rehearsal of the song.  Followed by playing that song until you've forgotten why it was so special when you wrote it.  Painters know that a new canvas holds untold opportunities for expression.  The minute a brush hits the surface, it becomes harder ever finish, the long lonely hours spent planning and painting.  Don't even get me started on writers. There are scripts, novellas and poems sitting unfinished in drawers and on desktops.  Millions of secret art, awaiting their fate in the unfun middle.  Art is hard.  
  This is the unseen side of art.  The hustle, the bustle, the grind.  Beginning, begging and borrowing.  Trying to stay motivated through the work.  The constant possibility that you and you're art may not be as special as they thought.  The fear that you will let the ever present "THEM" down.  That the people who believe in you might have misplaced their faith.  The fear that you might try your hardest to produce the most special art that you will ever create.  Only to have no one notice.  To be alone in your art.  Art is meant to be shared.  But what if you aren't an artist?  What if after years of trying, lying, starving and striving, you're not good enough?  Well, my friend, just that fear alone says you're an artist.  So struggle, sweat and swear.  Maybe cry a few times.  As for my Art?  I can hardly remember the start and I am no where near the end.  But I am closer to where the dreaded middle ends, and it becomes fun again...I hope.
Catherine Labate
11/5/2012 10:34:13 am

Melissa, this is so poignantly written. Thank you for writing this piece of art. It is one of my favorite things to have ever read about being an artist. Here is hoping you are getting closer to that middle!


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