After long consideration on whether or not I would blog today. I gave into my own sense of responsibility.  So, it's short but not so sweet.  The way that language evolves sick can mean different things. For example sick can be a good thing. As in: that tattoo is sick. But for today we will be using the word in the traditional sense.  I am sick.  I have spent the last day rolling around, wrapped in blankets.  Sweating and shivering.  Getting up only to go to the loo, for a plethora of reasons...I will leave to your imagination. 

 In recent history I have called into work sick, when I was actually hungover.  I have ducked out of events early claiming illness.  But the worst I have had is a bothersome nagging cough and cold drippy nose.  Oh how things change. This is the first year I didn't get the flu shot. I thought with my track record of having been flu free for 7 years, I would be safe.  Never thinking the reason for my health was the one thing I didn't do.  If I were a bit stronger I would kick myself.

 In The Devil Wears Prada, the extremely thin receptionist says: ' I am just one stomach flu away from being my ideal weight.'. I on the other hand would rather exercise and eat veggies- to achieve that goal. The flu fast is not my wheelhouse. Neither is fasting in general.  The gurgle of emptiness paired with the shriek of burning acid.  Of all things pain related I suffer most with stomach pain. I can muddle through a headache.  The bruises I get constantly are tolerable.  It's the sick and dizzies that I can't stand.  So, if you can hear my Pepto fairy- bring me some relief.  Please don't make me Gravol. 

Sheri Franklin
11/25/2012 10:53:27 pm

That's what we get from wandering around that big shopping mall in Toronto. I got a runny nose. Not sure if it was from there or the numerous hospital visits I have made in the last few days. Feel better soon. Xoxo


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