Do people ask you favours? Do they want your advice? And thank you for your outlook? Do peers admire you? Does every other problem come before your own? Has something felt off? Are you behaving in a way that you're proud of?  Is your karmic scale in balance? These are important questions and even more important- are your answers.  In recent social interaction I have noticed people straying from the person they tell others they are.  This is so brutal.  It is your responsibility to try and be your best.  Being an optimist gal, I want to see the best in every person I meet.  Even the ones who've hurt me.  I want people to want to be their best selves.  It has gotten to the point people, where material goods aren't good enough.  I want the fabric of our lives to be the woven of strong moral fiber.  

  Being less than your best can make you feel guilty.  And there are so many kinds of guilt.   Guilt for doing something wrong, or the guilt of wanting to do something wrong, without actually doing it.  But then there's that feeling. You know one? That something is not quite right. Something is off and the universe is taking it out on you.  I call that Karmic Guilt. When you feel guilty about something that isn't your fault. Or you think that things beyond your control are out of whack.  It's full-moon-mania even though it's waxed and waned. This karmic imbalance is the worst. Nothing you did -directly- created it, but you're suffering with it none the less.

    What posible control can you have over the whims of Karma? Well, Hubby is a fan of saying that intention is the most important part of doing anything.  If you're intending something evil, karmically you will receive something evil. Conversely if you intend something fabulous, it should manifest equally so... But this is never my luck.  I am an even-Stephen.  So instead of one big fabu cosmic gift, I receive thousands of teeny weeny fabus.  But I can't complain...because karma is listening.  What can we do to rejig the karmic balance, if right now it's not in our favor?  Do you give the waitress a big tip?  Tell someone you love them? Compliment a stranger? I can only hope that by trying to be good, karma will see how hard I'm working at it and recognize that sometimes I fail, but I still deserve to get some points for effort.  So, Karma, if you're listening; I hope to tip the scales in my favour and reach my ideal Karmic weight:) but I'm willing to put in the workout.

   In an industry where youth is celebrated- sought after and faked, turning another year older can be a lot to recover from.  Birthdays are supposed to be special. The one day to feel celebrated. One day a year where you are the number 1, top banana, king of the day; unless of course you're a twin.  A day to be doted on.  Loved and adored by those who love and adore you. Receiving birthday wishes from all those who think I'm something special. Family and friends eager to enjoy my company. But how does getting older really feel?

  My Grandma Near; before she lost her mind to dementia said to me: "I don't remember getting old.  I was 22 then I was 80, but that 22 year old is still in here."*pointing to her noggin. Then she asked me how babies were made. Strange disease Alzheimer's, forgetting who you are before your done with being yourself.  But that's a story for another day. Growing older I have started to understand the importance of making memories.  The urge to celebrate and be with the ones you love. Growing up, well, growing taller I can't help but wonder what the future holds for me. And most of all I've realized that just because you're not doing something doesn't mean things aren't happening. You can't stop progress.  I think that getting older is a good thing for me. It's hard to admit that I won't be a reckless teen or self-involved twenty-something ever again. I am becoming a responsible adult.  I am growing into my hit- acting-wise. Which should be a good thing*fingers, legs, arms and toes crossed. I am digging on being a grown up...except the ever increasing creases.

   After all the indulgence birthdays bring, I will be happy to get back to veggies. The day after my party I had a sugar hangover and my tongue was swollen from sour candies. Plus my just-washed-jeans were a little tighter that morning. My body had just started being healthy for reasons of business and pleasure. And was starting to feel good. But now that I am one year older it won't be so easy staying in shape says Hubby who's been (infuriatingly) the same size since we met. Happy Birthday to me. I am glad to make these new resolutions with you. Here's to a Happy New Year of Melicious:) 
   I am just going to go ahead and coin the term North Poehler! A Canadian who loves Amy Poehler- catchy I know! Whoa! That was too many exclamation points.  Anyhow, while watching Parks and Rec, I was schooled about "Treat Yo'Self"! A yearly tradition when you get to spoil yourself for the whole day.  Well, being the broke sass I am, it's not likely I'll get to Treat My'self anytime soon. But since it is my birthday, I thought I would write a 
"Treat Yo Self" wish list:)

1. An iPad to aide in my internet takeover

2. Unlimited Hula classes 

3. Full body massage with rose water facial and scalp treatment

4. Ukulele Manicure and Kandy Korn Pedicure

5. Vaca to a sunny beach so I can catch up on my reading

6. Create a Melicious Manners logo design

7. A pretty pink princess dress complete with tiara and blonde updo wig

8. Pin-up style vintage photo shoot and new head shots!

9. Limo for 8 going to Niagara Falls to do all the quirky museums and Ripley's and a room with a view of the Falls

10. Snap up those high priced concert tickets- Maroon 5, Pink and Bon Jovi

11. A $500 gift certificate to Lululemon 

12. Mojitos and Playa Cabana catering all day long

13. Those dang Ikea shelves put up by a Handy Man

14. More lessons with Ukeologist Judy! 

15. Dance lessons & circus training- but that might take more than a day

16. Prepaid personal shopper with a flair for vintage

17. I was going to do wishes up to my age, but I then thought better of it:) 

  This list doesn't sound like much of a Treat My'self day, it sounds like a MeliciousManners Better Yo'Self list with vacations and a few future plans thrown in for colour. Sigh. It's strange to think that my treats are learning, escaping and improving. My fellow North Poehlers, I encourage you to think about ways to "Treat Yo'Self"! Maybe you should watch Parks & Rec; 22mins of awesomesauce in it's 5th season of Wowey!  Available on Netflix!  Another exclamation?!? Really? I need less enthusiasm or more emoticons...emoticons it is:)

  Writing, every person who can write, does.  That's not to say that every person can do it well.  And people who practise can typically write even better.  Well, people, I can do it, I do it well and I practise.  That should stand on it's own. But it doesn't, writing is something that is beautifully read in the eyes of the beholder.  The value of those words and stories depend on the reader.  People who can read, do it.  And do it everyday.  And people who can write will continue to do it. Hopefully they do it well.  Otherwise what would happen in a world without stories?

   I want to write stories and tell tales and maybe even spin a yarn or two.  I always have.  I want to tell stories to people.  Stories that roll around in my head.  The characters I hang with when I am on my own, and the mischief they get into.  But I want to be able to work on them, because I love them.  But asking for money for something you love. Well, that just makes me feel guilty.  Wanting to be working at something you're in love with, seems greedy. Most people are happy with a job, a steady pay check- Too bad if you don't like it.  Do it for the money.  I should be happier that I am doing what I love and that is it's own reward.  Oh and it really is.  I love having inside jokes in an online world.  I love that I have been tough enough on myself to stick with it.  But it does seem kinda lack luster when your big launch happens and it's just you typing at a computer and your dog waiting to go for a walk.   Also there's a missing thank you cuz I want to reward you for reading.  For making this an emotional success for me.  I do want to start working on more of a contractual basis, you know like a job. But here's the problem, I don't have any experience.

 I don't have experience? Okay, I am not sure how much more practise I will need before I start gaining some "experience".  I have not dealt with deadlines.  Because daily entries for 11 months straight, is a flimsy work ethic.  Oh a track record.  Perhaps a school newspaper? Head of the Young Voices of Canada club? Maybe I have 2 years to work as an unpaid intern in a publishing firm or daily rag.  I should have a degree in journalism with at least 5+ years of online media editorial experience.   Alright, alright already, I am so I'm not Arianna Huffington.  And I am not saying I am Tolstoy, I would never be that presumptuous. I will, however wait for a critic to say it, then quote it on my FB fanpage and the outside jacket of my book, well series of books.  Sorry, tangent, I was also writing my Oscar speech, but I can't decide which category I am accepting for.  As far as I am concerned I have already climbed that well written mountain, in my mind.  Now how do I photoshop this resume to prove I am up here? Cuz people are never going to believe I was.  Okay, okay, so maybe they're right I do need a bit more practice. But I am on the journey to becoming an above average writer, if I do say so myself. And I just did.
   Oh Pop culture how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. When I was growing up there was a lot of story telling. Joke telling. You heard about hip songs from that one friend who knew music. You read fashion magazines to learn style. You quoted television shows. If you wanted information about what was hip, you went to a hip person.  You couldn't outright ask them, of course, because then they'd know you were not hip. You had to absorb and translate their hipness.  But now! Oh my little pop culture, how you've grown.

   Have you danced lately? Have you whooped'em Gangnam style? If not you should. It's really fun! Pop culture is no longer just regional- it's become a global obsession.  With social media, we've all become entertainment editors- choosing, sharing and championing the next big thing. The best part about that is everyone can be Pop! No matter where, no matter who, you can set a trend.  I am in love with it! Truly in love with watching mash up videos created by fanboys and girls.  Tip and trick instructional videos. Watching Pop icons mock themselves- shocked that their 15 minutes is passing so fast. Doing the circuit and schmoozing with Seacrest.  SNL and CNN equally intrigued with the Pop movement of the moment. Pop culture welcomes the weird, the wacky, the talented and the terrifying.  There is room for us all.

  Technology is helping us tell stories. Recording our jokes and teaching us that being hip comes from being yourself.  When things get sad, just take a deep breath, hit the search bar and wait for that special viral feeling to overwhelm you. Or get out your camera and make a music video.  Smile! Dance! Post, share, laugh and love the culture we're popping together.  Then crank up the speakers, whip out that lasso, sing a song in Korean and Pop goes the world again. 

   Picture this: A pretty pretty Princess wearing a pretty pink dress sits brushing her glimmering blonde hair and humming to herself.  Two tiny bluebirds and one giant Cardinal hear her song and flutter down to perch on her shoulder and start singing harmony.  Then two of the world's sweetest wittle bunny wabbits scoot under the fence, drawn to her by the birdie's #tweets.  A baby deer pokes her head into the courtyard, curious as to what all the buzz was about.  Did I forget to mention the Busy Bee family was there too? The Princess surrounded by her animal friends walks, well she glides really, to sit by her wishing well.  Starting her song again she looks down into the wishing well. 

Princess: I'm wishing 

Echo: I'm wishing

Princess: for the Prince I love

Echo: for the Prince I love

Princess: to find his dream job.  
To be happy and proud of himself. 
To be seen as the wicked talented dude he is. 
To prove to himself he hasn't wasted anything. 
To live and work at something he loves. 
To gain the self esteem he sometimes lacks.  
Cuz I am already proud of him.  
Oh, and I wish for him to carry the load for a while, until I finish my children's book, sell it or indie-gogo a self publish and we can both be stable people and know that we've made the right choices for ourselves. 
Disregarding what people have said about our rambling ways. 
Realizing that no matter how silly our dreams seem they deserve to be realized. 
And even though it's a hard row to sow, knowing that we've planted seeds, tended, watered and nurtured our imagination in the garden of our minds.
And even though we're a bit fruity, we're the sweetest kind.
I wish to continue on our tangled path of mixing business with pleasure. 
Then we can live happily ever more, knowing that we were right to stick to our guns. 
Please convince this geeky little boy wearing the cape, that he was right to dream big.  
I also wish for a mini unicorn.

Echo: Wow, that was a really long chorus and it didn't even rhyme. 
Your song writing skills are weaker than I thought, even worse than mine...
And I am a well. 

Princess: Yeah, a wishing well! 

The Princess and the birdies, the bunnies, the deer and the bees laughed and laughed and laughed 
until they stopped. Then the Well made all of the Princess' dreams come true. Her Prince came home happy and strong, with a mini-pony unicorn.  And they lived happily evermore.

   What a pretty, pretty picture that would be! Break an egg my Prince, my Hubby, my DreamMaker:) I am so very proud of you.

P.S. Check out Hubby's music video;) You'll love it!

    Procrastination, complacency and a short attention span.  Have you ever met someone who just wasn't quite reaching their potential? Someone with great ideas and no follow through.  Maybe a talented loved one who won't take a chance on themselves. The uncertified baby yoga instructor who doesn't want to spend the time for certification.  A close friend who's holding themselves back from the successes they could attain.  The biggest difference between success and complacency is actually doing it.  And the hardest part of doing anything? Is doing it.  It's no accident that some people succeed, contrarywise, it's no coincidence that others fail.

   My fear of failing myself (or the standard to which I hold myself)  has garnered me a semi popular blog, super amazing awesome wicked friends, a matching set of under eye baggage, a loving Hubby, a pair of saddle bags and the satisfaction of a job done- not always particulairly well, but I am completing my tasks and I am continuously challenging myself.  With persistent motivation, I am like a dog with a blog.  I have recognized how varied and difficult my goals are and I am confident that my stamina will be recognized- fingers crossed. Even if it is just by my Momma.  I've decided that I am unhappy being anything less than the person I want people to see me as.  Keeping it together is hard work, I am tired, but everything, good or bad, comes at a price.

   Working in an artistic arena I have had oppurtunity to meet all types of creative people.   Key root of the word being create.  But within the ranks of the creative there are people who sabotage themselves and others, for fear they will be left behind.  Writers who've never reached a climax. Dancers who don't stretch themselves. People who fall short of their potential.  Playing it safe because the fear of failing is more powerful than the possiblity of success. In my endeavors I have made an agreement with myself that I won't  be 'a day late and dollar short' to my own life.  

   So, here's my challenge to you cyber folks. Encourage all those under-estimaters to a challenge themselves.  Then challenge yourself!  Make a plan. A marking post to measure yourself by.  It's amazing how achievable dreams become when you break them down into bite sizes and add a dash of healthy competition. Today is the perfect day to be brave, be bold. Take your dreams by the procrastinators and hold on tight for a wild ride.  Instead of complacency, how about y'all come play with me!   I can probably pack your things in my under eye baggage:)

   While walking my pretty Puppa-roo across Queen St on a beautiful fall day I realized something. Almost every store we go into offers her a treat.   And my Puppa is excited for every gift. Whether big cookie or little milk bone, she over-eagerly accepts all gifts- then I saw- when she wasn't getting a treat her interest wained. Pulling without subtlety back towards the place she last got treated. Oh no. I have created not only a chubby Jilly Bean no neck, but a bad gift receiver and a greedy puppy.  A selfish and no good spoiled brat. And that makes me a bad Momma.  Not the type of Momma I want to be.

 Before I cast all the blame unto Bean for her lack of grace when accepting a gift I must reflect upon my own.  For all my pomp and circumstance and big loud voice and funny dance moves, I am actually quite shy. Now, as an actress you may think that's weird.  However, I don't mind the attention of an audience- an audience doesn't try to get to know you. Doesn't try to figure you out. They just let your character wash over them. The only pressure on you is to give a performance you're proud of. That's a gift I can give! Otherwise, I am a terrible gift giver.  Or have been, until recently.  I have been giving cash at weddings and gift certificates for most everything else.  I am sorta generous. I just don't want anyone to feel like they should ever have to give me a gift. So, I try and avoid those situations altogether. Until I made my lifetime friends- they won't let me off the hook.  And they are the best gift givers I've ever met, so it's quite an obstacle. Their gifts have inspired my intention to be a better giver and receiver.

  Here are a few of the key ingredients I've learned about giving and getting perfect gifts.  Something special comes from listening, looking and feeling- both the person and receiver- presumably a friend or family member- and their surroundings.  Take mental notes or have Siri take one for you.  Create dates in your calendar. Paying attention is key. Customized gifts are great but allow time for delivery. Also you can never go wrong with a genuine smile, warmly written card and eye contact. Receiving someone's gratitude is a key aspect of the cycle of being a talented giver. And never underestimate giving someone the gift of time.  Life is busy and short, why not give the gift of togetherness? A dinner out or a home cooked meal, perhaps an offer to help with that nagging DIY project.  

  In the past I have been equally bad at giving and receiving- but I'm working on it.  That's a gift to me. However, that treat eating, greedy little fur baby dragging me down Queen St , never gave me anything but unconditional love.  Well, there's a new Sheriff in town and Jilly better start rolling over to my new way of thinking.  She needs to learn a new trick or two- otherwise this old dog won't get her any new treats. Plus I like browsing Queen St and not every store has a treat for the Stinker, some treats are for your gifted Momma;)

Happy Thanksgiving! And getting!

   Singing, humming, toe tapping and moving to the beat. Not everyone hears the music of life. In everything we do there is rhythm. The sound of your heartbeat, the pace of your breathing. The rustle of the breeze through autumn's crispy leaves. The sound of footsteps on the subway stairs and the whistle of the wind through the tunnel. Music is all around us.

   Everyday starts as a new symphony. There are days when you feel like an oboe- Forlorn and lethargic. There are days like a lute- high strung and hurried. There are days you're an accordion- moaning and squeezing at various paces. But the best days, the most fabulous days are the days that ring like a Ukulele. Now I may be prejudiced but there is no emotion a ukulele can't convey. By strumming, chugging and finger picking; I decide how my symphony sounds and feels. I am master of my musical domain. The sheet music of my life is becoming more harmonious as I play.

   With music all around us it should be no surprise I can't stop dancing through life. The fact that I have begun writing my own music is however, a surprise. When I began playing music again, I couldn't have imagined the impact would have been so great. Great- meaning both vast and amazing. I had resigned myself to the fact my voice was my sole instrument and I wasn't prepared for the ease with which I slipped into holding a new one in my hands. Since learning uke I have been invited to teach others, which I am excited for despite my inexperience. The ukulele lends itself to your every whim. And having a tight circle of local ukeists is very tempting. Bit by bit my opus is being composed and I can't wait to share it with you. But for now we should listen to the sound of the music all around us. And sway to the rhythm of life:) Happy Thursday from this strummy Uke-lady!

P.S. Toronto's very best Ukology teacher is one of my fav blondes Judy Marshak
   While attending my second industry TIFF party of all time I realized. There is a lot of really great hair in here.  Great hair, great outfits and huge egos.  The ego though I think is inflated by nerves and the constant fear of making an ass of yourself. People celebrating at these events are typically over-anxious about their art house film that took them 11 years and their entire line of credit to complete- not to mention their parent's money and a friend providing craft services just to keep it going.  A labour of love will give you painful contractions.

  Watching the potential success of others can be inspiring and disheartening at the same time. With the limited implied value of that little movie your making it's an emotional pregnancy.   From conception to birth and even after; all through the awkward teen years until they go off to university.  And even then your grown up little baby will always be your baby. The sad thing is that if it took 11 years just to birth it, that is a slow growth rate.  The worst part is that my concept zygote is still awaiting fertilization- and by the time that bundle of joy arrives I will be 41! And I never wanted to be an older mother.  

   Little baby film idea, your Mommy and Daddy have been waiting so long, wishing for you, dreaming of your future and how you'll complete our lives.  So TIFF I promise you, you don't know me now but within the next 11 years I will be ready for you to meet my baby.  Baby Movie concept:  You'll be smart, witty and full of surprises. You're  already keeping me up all night and have spoiled my figure, so I have nothing left to loose. It would be great to have an amazing hairstyle though, but I guess I have 11 years to get it right.