Oh Pop culture how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. When I was growing up there was a lot of story telling. Joke telling. You heard about hip songs from that one friend who knew music. You read fashion magazines to learn style. You quoted television shows. If you wanted information about what was hip, you went to a hip person.  You couldn't outright ask them, of course, because then they'd know you were not hip. You had to absorb and translate their hipness.  But now! Oh my little pop culture, how you've grown.

   Have you danced lately? Have you whooped'em Gangnam style? If not you should. It's really fun! Pop culture is no longer just regional- it's become a global obsession.  With social media, we've all become entertainment editors- choosing, sharing and championing the next big thing. The best part about that is everyone can be Pop! No matter where, no matter who, you can set a trend.  I am in love with it! Truly in love with watching mash up videos created by fanboys and girls.  Tip and trick instructional videos. Watching Pop icons mock themselves- shocked that their 15 minutes is passing so fast. Doing the circuit and schmoozing with Seacrest.  SNL and CNN equally intrigued with the Pop movement of the moment. Pop culture welcomes the weird, the wacky, the talented and the terrifying.  There is room for us all.

  Technology is helping us tell stories. Recording our jokes and teaching us that being hip comes from being yourself.  When things get sad, just take a deep breath, hit the search bar and wait for that special viral feeling to overwhelm you. Or get out your camera and make a music video.  Smile! Dance! Post, share, laugh and love the culture we're popping together.  Then crank up the speakers, whip out that lasso, sing a song in Korean and Pop goes the world again. 

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