While attending my second industry TIFF party of all time I realized. There is a lot of really great hair in here.  Great hair, great outfits and huge egos.  The ego though I think is inflated by nerves and the constant fear of making an ass of yourself. People celebrating at these events are typically over-anxious about their art house film that took them 11 years and their entire line of credit to complete- not to mention their parent's money and a friend providing craft services just to keep it going.  A labour of love will give you painful contractions.

  Watching the potential success of others can be inspiring and disheartening at the same time. With the limited implied value of that little movie your making it's an emotional pregnancy.   From conception to birth and even after; all through the awkward teen years until they go off to university.  And even then your grown up little baby will always be your baby. The sad thing is that if it took 11 years just to birth it, that is a slow growth rate.  The worst part is that my concept zygote is still awaiting fertilization- and by the time that bundle of joy arrives I will be 41! And I never wanted to be an older mother.  

   Little baby film idea, your Mommy and Daddy have been waiting so long, wishing for you, dreaming of your future and how you'll complete our lives.  So TIFF I promise you, you don't know me now but within the next 11 years I will be ready for you to meet my baby.  Baby Movie concept:  You'll be smart, witty and full of surprises. You're  already keeping me up all night and have spoiled my figure, so I have nothing left to loose. It would be great to have an amazing hairstyle though, but I guess I have 11 years to get it right. 

9/11/2012 11:26:41 pm

You go for it Girl - I will be right there cheering!

Not the Momma
9/12/2012 10:03:03 pm

I see comp tickets in the future!


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