Picture this: A pretty pretty Princess wearing a pretty pink dress sits brushing her glimmering blonde hair and humming to herself.  Two tiny bluebirds and one giant Cardinal hear her song and flutter down to perch on her shoulder and start singing harmony.  Then two of the world's sweetest wittle bunny wabbits scoot under the fence, drawn to her by the birdie's #tweets.  A baby deer pokes her head into the courtyard, curious as to what all the buzz was about.  Did I forget to mention the Busy Bee family was there too? The Princess surrounded by her animal friends walks, well she glides really, to sit by her wishing well.  Starting her song again she looks down into the wishing well. 

Princess: I'm wishing 

Echo: I'm wishing

Princess: for the Prince I love

Echo: for the Prince I love

Princess: to find his dream job.  
To be happy and proud of himself. 
To be seen as the wicked talented dude he is. 
To prove to himself he hasn't wasted anything. 
To live and work at something he loves. 
To gain the self esteem he sometimes lacks.  
Cuz I am already proud of him.  
Oh, and I wish for him to carry the load for a while, until I finish my children's book, sell it or indie-gogo a self publish and we can both be stable people and know that we've made the right choices for ourselves. 
Disregarding what people have said about our rambling ways. 
Realizing that no matter how silly our dreams seem they deserve to be realized. 
And even though it's a hard row to sow, knowing that we've planted seeds, tended, watered and nurtured our imagination in the garden of our minds.
And even though we're a bit fruity, we're the sweetest kind.
I wish to continue on our tangled path of mixing business with pleasure. 
Then we can live happily ever more, knowing that we were right to stick to our guns. 
Please convince this geeky little boy wearing the cape, that he was right to dream big.  
I also wish for a mini unicorn.

Echo: Wow, that was a really long chorus and it didn't even rhyme. 
Your song writing skills are weaker than I thought, even worse than mine...
And I am a well. 

Princess: Yeah, a wishing well! 

The Princess and the birdies, the bunnies, the deer and the bees laughed and laughed and laughed 
until they stopped. Then the Well made all of the Princess' dreams come true. Her Prince came home happy and strong, with a mini-pony unicorn.  And they lived happily evermore.

   What a pretty, pretty picture that would be! Break an egg my Prince, my Hubby, my DreamMaker:) I am so very proud of you.

P.S. Check out Hubby's music video;) You'll love it!

    Procrastination, complacency and a short attention span.  Have you ever met someone who just wasn't quite reaching their potential? Someone with great ideas and no follow through.  Maybe a talented loved one who won't take a chance on themselves. The uncertified baby yoga instructor who doesn't want to spend the time for certification.  A close friend who's holding themselves back from the successes they could attain.  The biggest difference between success and complacency is actually doing it.  And the hardest part of doing anything? Is doing it.  It's no accident that some people succeed, contrarywise, it's no coincidence that others fail.

   My fear of failing myself (or the standard to which I hold myself)  has garnered me a semi popular blog, super amazing awesome wicked friends, a matching set of under eye baggage, a loving Hubby, a pair of saddle bags and the satisfaction of a job done- not always particulairly well, but I am completing my tasks and I am continuously challenging myself.  With persistent motivation, I am like a dog with a blog.  I have recognized how varied and difficult my goals are and I am confident that my stamina will be recognized- fingers crossed. Even if it is just by my Momma.  I've decided that I am unhappy being anything less than the person I want people to see me as.  Keeping it together is hard work, I am tired, but everything, good or bad, comes at a price.

   Working in an artistic arena I have had oppurtunity to meet all types of creative people.   Key root of the word being create.  But within the ranks of the creative there are people who sabotage themselves and others, for fear they will be left behind.  Writers who've never reached a climax. Dancers who don't stretch themselves. People who fall short of their potential.  Playing it safe because the fear of failing is more powerful than the possiblity of success. In my endeavors I have made an agreement with myself that I won't  be 'a day late and dollar short' to my own life.  

   So, here's my challenge to you cyber folks. Encourage all those under-estimaters to a challenge themselves.  Then challenge yourself!  Make a plan. A marking post to measure yourself by.  It's amazing how achievable dreams become when you break them down into bite sizes and add a dash of healthy competition. Today is the perfect day to be brave, be bold. Take your dreams by the procrastinators and hold on tight for a wild ride.  Instead of complacency, how about y'all come play with me!   I can probably pack your things in my under eye baggage:)

   At 2am after a night of working hard on an online submission audition Hubby came to bed angry.  Mad that he hadn't finished more.  Angry that things weren't as easy as he'd hoped.  Put out by how difficult it actually was putting together something that he could be proud of.  Both Hubby and I are perfectionists.... Did I mention that?  But perfection takes time, effort and stamina.  Also perfection takes a RED camera, lapel mics and at least 3 chimeras and 4 bounces- not to mention a choreographer, 1st AD and editor.  The reason professional things look that way, is because they have the money, smackers, yen and pesos to pay for it.  I can shoot as much as I want on my HD iPhone 4, but it's just never going to look perfect.

   On take 3 of shot #5 I realized it.  The reason we want so much of ourselves is because we want more people striving for perfection.  Being the poor and starving artists we know what we can do, why wouldn't we expect that or more from a film crew of 80.  This is the fact that makes us perfect for this industry of try hard perfectionists.  If there is something that I have heard in every interview- every performer wants the best art to be made for the effort they are making.  Would you do a nude scene? The answer across the board= If it was important to the story line, and if it is artistically done I would have no trouble doing it.  That comes from a performer who wants the best for each project. The face in front of a crew of people all pulling to make something beautiful.  Something unexpected. The performance of the season.  In every performance they do.  A true artist, of the starving variety is a perfectionist.  

   The inner monologue of the striver, the performer who wants to be their best goes like this: "Are my eyes blinking too much, on the next line I have to hit a mark accurately so that I am at my best angle, when I get to that mark I have to gesture with my left hand to the clue, while also picking up the prop I need for the next scene.  I have to exit the frame from the left. While holding this prop, so I can have it in the scene we're filming in 2 and 7/8th days. Oh and don't do that thing with you eye because you don't have that action until you turn around."  Plus remembering lines and saying them with the same intonation 27 times in a row.  You must be a perfect performer to even do the basics of this job.  That's not even taking into account the crying and screaming- and making that look honest.  Be you an ugly cryer like Halle Berry or the cryer that let's the tears roll freely without marring your still beautiful face.  Or how about fight scenes? Those are supposed to seem spontaneous, but they've been practised until the crew was ready to fall asleep. This is a tough job.  So, here's one going out to all the starry eyed youth thinking that you won't need math and science to be a famous actor.  It takes so much more than that.  Study social science, biology and athletics. Geography and History couldn't hurt either.  So, if you're coming down this yellow brick road, please pack a survival kit, cuz this life is tough and unexpected.  But the rest of us perfectionists are up for it, if you are:)
   "That's why you're a good friend."  This is something that people say to me. I don't mean, someone once said it to me. I mean, this is something people say to me on an ongoing basis. They of course give me the qualifiers for the specific situation in question. But I am a good friend, that is the bottom line.  And most people know they're lucky to have one.  A good friend is hard to find. Did I mention I am a sucker for funny quotes.  My current fav is "A friend will bail you out of jail. A good friend will be in the cell with you, shaking their head saying 'Wow, that was fun'".  Those are the friends we all need. Not necessarily the ones getting us incarcerated, but I figure if you're still laughing, it couldn't be all that bad. 

   A good friend hears the craziest thing you've ever admitted to anyone and says 'I totally know that feeling.' You never have to ask them to keep a secret, they just do.  A good friend listens even when you make no sense and they can't understand what you're saying cuz you're crying too hard, and then makes you laugh even though you never thought you ever would again. Nobody feels lonely when they're with a good friend . Even if neither of you has spoken for hours. A good friend will name your giant zit, just so it feels welcome. A good friend always puts you first, even when you don't deserve it. A good friend will never hurt you. And if that ever happens, it will never be by choice. A really good friend flirts with your Dad sometimes, because you love him and you both know it makes him feel good about himself. A good friend sees you in your jogging pants,  with a greasy bun, swollen and crampy and still asks if you've lost weight.  A good friend is the most valuable key to reminding you of who you are when you've been beaten for so long that you've forgotten. 

    All those things are so great, and make me thankful for my good friends. But a good friend will also save a perfectly planted inside joke until they have your full attention. They will ask if you can come out to play. They make you scream. With glee, fear and wonder.  They know that song you can stop dancing to or singing at the top of your lungs. They remember that off handed comment you made 4 months ago and give you the greatest forgotten gift. They will help you even if they can't help themselves. They will go to a party where they know no one but you, fully intending to make more friends. I am proud to call myself a good friend. It's not always easy, but I couldn't imagine not excelling at it. That would be a waste. A waste of how amazing my friends are. Thank you to all my Good Friends. Your love in my life has helped me to be who I am. It is because of your examples that I am such a good friend...so we're gonna hang again soon right? Cuz it's been a while since I got into some trouble:)

Dear Mean People,
    I think you know who you are. Why must you be so mean?  
Also, if you fall into any of the following categories please consider yourself addressed: Judgemental, Grumpy, Pessimistic, Rude, Impatient, Disrespectful and Intolerante People.  It has come to my attention that you are the worst.  I am talking to the people who don't thank strangers for holding the door.  A smile is not a target.  Just because I am laughing doesn't mean I am laughing at you. It wouldn't kill you to share the sidewalk a little.  The poop your dog makes is something you should pick up.  Elevators are not a personal toot shack.  Get your fingers out of your nose and get underwear that doesn't bury itself so deep in your bum crack.  Which isn't really mean, it's just gross. But still.
  The Canadian national average hovers at Pleasant, and I am alright with that- but if your group could make a conserted effort we could raise it!  We really could.  Being a nice person is not difficult for the rest of us. We live in Canada, a wonderfully diverse and sympathetic country.  It's pretty darn great.  A country full of apologies and those saying it have nothing to be sorry for.  It sucks that nice people are nice to mean people, even though they're not nice back.  I would never treat you that way, which I guess is why I am the nice one and you're not. 

The Unhappy Doormat

Dear Nice People,
   Please, please, please never give up on being nice.  I know that sometimes the world can get you down.  I know it's gray outside and being sunny when it isn't can be hard.  You can be brave.  You can be the better person. Please keep opening doors for people.  I will thank you.  Please tell me if I've dropped something.  I will thank you.  Help an old lady with her walker onto the streetcar or a young mother with a stroller off.  Hopefully, they will thank you.  If we can stay strong together we have a better chance of not feeling so bad when the Meanies don't do the things Nice people hope they will.  After a Rude Meanie tries to ruin your day, look around for a Nicey-nice, they're never too far away and share a secret smile. A knowing wink to the fact that things will get better.    
   If we can just keep trying to help the Meanies see that it takes so much more energy to be mean, maybe they'll stop.  Now, change like that doesn't happen over night but it can happen.  All those Sunday night classic movies and after-school specials can't be wrong.  It's gotta be true that sometimes the Nice Guy does finish first, even if it is just a Hallmark moment.  I am going to keep hoping for a theme song, a ray of sunshine and a miraculous turning of the tables.  Not so that I can be mean to the Meanies, but so that the Meanies can see how much more fun it is on this side of the net.  
  As for you Niceys, I am looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting of the Canadian branch of the #1 Awesome Sauce Club.  When I hope to pass a jolly new bi-law: Singing, not just for showers anymore.  Until then keep your chin up little birds.  Those mean old winds are strong, but this flight is a nice one.

Yours in Kindness,
The World's Nicest *itch
  They say you can never go home again and after meeting some people's families I can understand why they may never want to.  But it is also true that you can never travel the same road twice and life has a strange way of sneaking up on you.  While spending Thanksgiving with my Bro, Momma and Papa B, I was me and Hubby was himself.  We didn't put on an act.  We didn't have to be anyone else.  There were a few times when our not-so-awesome-selves came out- par example- when seen fighting in the local chocolate store or overheard lecturing regarding health values while passing the highway Arby's, but a few hitches ain't so bad...I guess.  Oh yeah, and there was the Dinner and a Movie event my Momma invited us to where Hubby of course hassled me about laughing too loud in the theatre, though who can resist the sound of laughter amplified by a beautifully resonant space?  It would be wrong of me not to laugh out loud.  No matter what, I love going home.  But where does my heart truly lie?

   They say home is where your heart is, and my home is in Toronto.  The work I love is here, I met the man I love here, my life is here.  I love the CN Tower and it's light show- currently on hold for avian migration.  I love that there are kitchens in the city open for a late night eater.  I love that there is sushi within 1 block of you, no matter where you are.  I love the Red Rocket- even though I know I shouldn't.  It feels like the start of an adventure every time I drop that shiny token into the clinking slot.  I love complaining about our Dumb-sass mayor.  I love how close I am to all these people I love.  I love seeing a different style on everybody I meet.  I love the passion for life and the hustle and bustle. How could I not love my home?

   Then there's the darkness of a country road where my heart feels full.  The darkness broken by the bright shining stars we hardly see in the city.  I love the smells, even the poopy ones.  I love the panoramic colours that span every horizon.  I love the quiet.  The feeling that the neighbours can hear what you're thinking.  Having neighbours that have known me since I was this big* insert knee high to a grasshopper action.  Here is a heartfelt welcome no matter how long it's been.  I love knowing people and them knowing me.  I love picking up a conversation I've been having with someone for the last 20 years right where we left off.  How could I not love this home?

   Hubby says creating a home is key to having a happy life.  Home- a place to rest your head, your heart and your body.  A place of comfort.  A place to recharge your batteries.  But what happens when 2 totally different places feel like home?  A spilt like that can be tough to stitch together.  There aren't many people who can afford two homes or even one home in this market.  And after being threatened with the sale of my childhood home, I begged my parents not to sell their house; a place I consider my home.  I know where all their dishes go, I planted the tree in the side yard from a sapling that was barely a stick, I know why the wall has that chip, I love this home.  But Hubby, Momma & Papa B; here's the thing I want you to know, I've realized: A true home- the real place that your heart is, it's with the people and not with the buildings.  Now, I have to stop, before all this lovey-dovey stuff makes me homesick-to my stomach:)
   I have done it. I have measured. From where I sit it doesn't look good. I knew things had gotten off track but I didn't realize that they had gotten so far off track, careening down a steep rocky slope, spontaneously combusting, only to come to rest at the bottom, upside down; a swollen smoldering wreck.  That sounds dramatic but that's how I felt upon completing my measurements.  I then promptly had a panic attack.
I knew things were rough, the tell tale sign?  Doing surface repairs; expecting to feel better about myself. Hair cut. Which was much needed and welcomes a chic blossom of blonde bangs. New boots. That make me feel like dancing and kicking sass, in equal parts. Schmancy new jeans- and herein lies the rub-they are a size bigger than I have ever been. Hello McFly!  I've been eating meat and cakes and pies. Deep fried anything and butter soaked regret.  And trying to convince myself that it's okay.  For the last 9 months I have been bragging about my blog stick-to-it've-ness and how determined I am. Well, turns out writing a daily blog is easier than rearranging my diet or exercising. But enough is enough, the way things have been isn't working, quite obviously. I've promised to make things better. Why aren't I actually doing it? I think the thought of climbing this mountain is scary.  So scary I've been grinding my teeth.  Since the idea of this whole self-improvement thing started I have been putting off the numbers.  Sizes, measurements and inches chasing me around-stressing me out.  I've been losing sleep over it. The desperate need to pull myself up by the boot straps and pull myself together.  But really who do you know that's really pulled together? We're all effed, at least a little bit.  But I would rather be effed in the head, than effed in a pair of giant jeans.

   What a strange way to feel- recognizing things need to change and knowing I am the only one who can do it. The very scariest part is that I might fail this experiment.  Though it's not an experiment at all, it's an important part of my dream career path.  Sadly, looking great is one of the crucial components.  So, here we go- the hardest, scariest and most honest thing I have ever posted. 

My numbers:

Height 68 inches or 5'8"

Weight 174.4lbs

Following measurements are in inches

Bust 40
Natural waist 33
Hips 44
Thighs sitting: r:25   l:25.75
Thigh standing r:24.5  l :25
Arm rest r: 13.5  l:13.5
Arm flex r:13.75  l:13.5

    These are my starting measurements and I will keep you posted with changes periodically. My hope is to also find out my resting heart rate, BMI and endurance.  I am hoping for a swift shift to being on track again. But first I have to put out a few smoldering fires.
   While walking my pretty Puppa-roo across Queen St on a beautiful fall day I realized something. Almost every store we go into offers her a treat.   And my Puppa is excited for every gift. Whether big cookie or little milk bone, she over-eagerly accepts all gifts- then I saw- when she wasn't getting a treat her interest wained. Pulling without subtlety back towards the place she last got treated. Oh no. I have created not only a chubby Jilly Bean no neck, but a bad gift receiver and a greedy puppy.  A selfish and no good spoiled brat. And that makes me a bad Momma.  Not the type of Momma I want to be.

 Before I cast all the blame unto Bean for her lack of grace when accepting a gift I must reflect upon my own.  For all my pomp and circumstance and big loud voice and funny dance moves, I am actually quite shy. Now, as an actress you may think that's weird.  However, I don't mind the attention of an audience- an audience doesn't try to get to know you. Doesn't try to figure you out. They just let your character wash over them. The only pressure on you is to give a performance you're proud of. That's a gift I can give! Otherwise, I am a terrible gift giver.  Or have been, until recently.  I have been giving cash at weddings and gift certificates for most everything else.  I am sorta generous. I just don't want anyone to feel like they should ever have to give me a gift. So, I try and avoid those situations altogether. Until I made my lifetime friends- they won't let me off the hook.  And they are the best gift givers I've ever met, so it's quite an obstacle. Their gifts have inspired my intention to be a better giver and receiver.

  Here are a few of the key ingredients I've learned about giving and getting perfect gifts.  Something special comes from listening, looking and feeling- both the person and receiver- presumably a friend or family member- and their surroundings.  Take mental notes or have Siri take one for you.  Create dates in your calendar. Paying attention is key. Customized gifts are great but allow time for delivery. Also you can never go wrong with a genuine smile, warmly written card and eye contact. Receiving someone's gratitude is a key aspect of the cycle of being a talented giver. And never underestimate giving someone the gift of time.  Life is busy and short, why not give the gift of togetherness? A dinner out or a home cooked meal, perhaps an offer to help with that nagging DIY project.  

  In the past I have been equally bad at giving and receiving- but I'm working on it.  That's a gift to me. However, that treat eating, greedy little fur baby dragging me down Queen St , never gave me anything but unconditional love.  Well, there's a new Sheriff in town and Jilly better start rolling over to my new way of thinking.  She needs to learn a new trick or two- otherwise this old dog won't get her any new treats. Plus I like browsing Queen St and not every store has a treat for the Stinker, some treats are for your gifted Momma;)

Happy Thanksgiving! And getting!

  It is fall.  October specifically; the fabulous month of my birth.  The month when our bodies acclimatize to the chill.  School is in full swing.  The trees are exploding in their festive autumn colours.  Mist hangs in the air late at night and early in the mornings.  There is a sense of something slightly ominous.  And who can blame you for feeling this way? With Ghosts and Goblins, Witches and Jack-o-Lanterns in every shop window.  The crispy crackle of leaves under your quickening foot steps; chasing your shadow across a deserted parking lot.  The feeling that there is someone just behind you or lurking around spooky tree trunks.  October should be Heart-pounding awareness month.

   Ever since I was a little girl I have loved being scared.  I was the proud founder of Scary Chilling Regional Enthusiast Association of Movie-goers or SCREAM, a club of warped teenage girls eating Combos and being scared by my Papa B when he suddenly flicked on the lights.  Five girls wrapped up in blankets, sitting in the dark, clutching each other's hands in anticipation of the next big scare.  Watching what were the hot horrors at the time.  Suspenseful dramatic thrillers with a tortured leading man grimacing about something that, by the end of the movie ends up being trivial even as a side-plot. Only to be reunited with his average girlfriend with the straight A's, then cruelly ripped from her arms in the last shot, basically cementing a sequel~ I mean Squeal! 

  Let's talk serious Horror for a minute- who would you be?  Horror characters: Sensitive jock who pushes his girlfriend a little too hard to go to 3rd base, Slightly nerdy girl who only got invited to this party cuz your parents are friends, Total loose cannon outcast with nothing to lose and no one to answer to, or the hostess- who really just wanted everyone to have a nice time but now they're all dying?  At what point in the story would your character give up?  I think, I would end up being the one who outlasted everyone. Clumsily and narrowly escaping the tragic end befalling every one else.  Be it crushed by a garage door, thrown from 2nd storey windows onto iron fence.  If you die in a horror, you're going brutally.  But when the chips really are down on the table, do you want to be the one who witnesses all your friends and probably family die? That's almost worse.  Being alive when they're all dead.  I mean, you're obviously going to be a suspect, you're the reason they were all there in the first place and their only connection.  You can never run away or start a new life.  That tragic story will follow you where ever you go.  Whispering about that girl- sad about that night- oh, haven't you heard- she's the Grundy Island survivor.  And that would be awful.  Nobody would ever be your friend or love you ever again, because you're cursed.  Which is one of the reasons I don't like big parties at secluded locations, where I know everyone.  Happy OctoBOOOer:)
  The Great Canadian Entrepreneur: a species indigenous to the northernly half of the north american continent.  Though many species appear in southern regions, they tend to be a much heartier and parasitic breed.  I was raised by a pack of Great Canadian Entrepreneurs, making me an Entre-thusiast.  I am a big fan of people who've realized that what they have to offer is different and special and like Frank Sinatra, they're doing it their way.  Living in a city as diverse as Toronto allows people to take the plunge, crossing fingers for at least a slice of the widely variant market, hoping for a group of dedicated followers.  People who like you.  Like what you do.  And like the way you do it.  In smaller markets the game has different rules.  

  I grew up in a small town.  Well, not small for a town, but not a wide market.  Not a wide cross-section of opinions.  And really only 1 degree of separation between people. If I don't know you, there is at least one person I know who does.  Side note: Small towns were the original FaceBook. My Papa B is an Entrepreneur.  He has been for all the jobs I can remember, except the middle one he took cuz it was too good an offer to turn down.  Though in hindsight, it was his worst and grumpiest and most awful time, and if you know my Papa B, that's saying a lot.  He does not work well for others.  Here we go again genetics.  On every report card ever sent home for signing: "Melicious has trouble taking direction."  Not a great quality in an actor, but the best quality in an entrepreneur. My Town Councillor Momma is a self starter married to an Entrepreneur.  Which isn't much different.  Having owned several at home businesses she joined my Papa B's company almost 15 years ago.  Being the motivated lady she is, she is constantly morphing to fit the needs of her clients and anticipate their future goals.  She's a great role model to teach a blossoming actor about being a chameleon. Making me an even Steven.

   Entrepreneurs are a rare breed.  A group of people who made it their business to do it well or at least differently.  People who's job was created for them.  Tailor made to fit their specs.  What's the hardest part about being your own boss? Making your employee -yourself- accountable.   Making sure they get to work on time.  Finish their projects in a timely manner. Trying to inspire your employee to strive for something better.  And brainstorming sessions can be a little lonely.  But there's no greater feeling than a job well done.  A job that you are responsible for.  A job that you thought up, worked through and completed.  You did it.  It's on you if it fails, but the upside is that I am not dumb enough to let anything fail, if I can help it.  Plus I think my boss is pretty great.