"That's why you're a good friend."  This is something that people say to me. I don't mean, someone once said it to me. I mean, this is something people say to me on an ongoing basis. They of course give me the qualifiers for the specific situation in question. But I am a good friend, that is the bottom line.  And most people know they're lucky to have one.  A good friend is hard to find. Did I mention I am a sucker for funny quotes.  My current fav is "A friend will bail you out of jail. A good friend will be in the cell with you, shaking their head saying 'Wow, that was fun'".  Those are the friends we all need. Not necessarily the ones getting us incarcerated, but I figure if you're still laughing, it couldn't be all that bad. 

   A good friend hears the craziest thing you've ever admitted to anyone and says 'I totally know that feeling.' You never have to ask them to keep a secret, they just do.  A good friend listens even when you make no sense and they can't understand what you're saying cuz you're crying too hard, and then makes you laugh even though you never thought you ever would again. Nobody feels lonely when they're with a good friend . Even if neither of you has spoken for hours. A good friend will name your giant zit, just so it feels welcome. A good friend always puts you first, even when you don't deserve it. A good friend will never hurt you. And if that ever happens, it will never be by choice. A really good friend flirts with your Dad sometimes, because you love him and you both know it makes him feel good about himself. A good friend sees you in your jogging pants,  with a greasy bun, swollen and crampy and still asks if you've lost weight.  A good friend is the most valuable key to reminding you of who you are when you've been beaten for so long that you've forgotten. 

    All those things are so great, and make me thankful for my good friends. But a good friend will also save a perfectly planted inside joke until they have your full attention. They will ask if you can come out to play. They make you scream. With glee, fear and wonder.  They know that song you can stop dancing to or singing at the top of your lungs. They remember that off handed comment you made 4 months ago and give you the greatest forgotten gift. They will help you even if they can't help themselves. They will go to a party where they know no one but you, fully intending to make more friends. I am proud to call myself a good friend. It's not always easy, but I couldn't imagine not excelling at it. That would be a waste. A waste of how amazing my friends are. Thank you to all my Good Friends. Your love in my life has helped me to be who I am. It is because of your examples that I am such a good friend...so we're gonna hang again soon right? Cuz it's been a while since I got into some trouble:)

10/11/2012 05:08:48 pm

Sometimes even your kids are your best friend - thanks for helping me sort out the store!

10/11/2012 09:57:49 pm

I am happy to read this blog today, just to see that you do know how much your friends, and I appreciate you :)

10/12/2012 09:20:48 am

You're a gift... that I'll never return.


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