It's been a few months since I wrote an ode to earhairs.   It's sad but I long for the mysterious intrigue of earhairs. A tickly, thickly curling wisp that flutters in the wind. It's hooked and I can't stop starring! Of course, there have been a few memorable chin hairs and a mole hair or two, but nothing worth a dedicated blog to my outspoken affection for such furry occurrences.  I have been trying to rise above the physical foibles of those around me. But what is it they say about the best laid plans? 

   Upon returning to my regular cop shop gig I have seen a few wily whiskers, but have taken the high road- for the most part. Ignoring a hair collar sticking out above shirt necklines, and avoiding eye contact with caterpillar brows. Honest I was trying to be good.  Until yesterday, I discovered a giant ear will never guess where.   In MY own EAR. I couldn't believe it. It was awful.  Possessed by a tickle I felt in my ear canal.  A creepy crawling, fluttering feeling that I couldn't shake. Literally I couldn't shake it off.  Heading to the loo, I thought I would discreetly pull all the hairs from both ears, you know, all those tiny fine hairs that cover a human.  The fuzz that reminds us we're not too far from being the animals we were.  And trust me if I'd had a razor I would've shaved myself from the eyebrows down! Getting to the washroom I studied, inspected, looked and leered at my ears- seeing nothing, but I knew it was there.  I started plucking blindly.  Oh did I mention that I carry tweezers with me? Cuz, yeah I do. Everywhere I go, just in case.  That's when it happened. The tweezers clamped down on something.  And like deep sea fishing, it was a struggle to reel that hair in- or out as the case may be.  When I finally triumphed over my well rooted foe, I was .5lbs lighter and my hearing had amplified 4 fold. How long could it have been growing there? As far as I am concerned- any length of time is too long.  Now, I must turn my obsession inward, I have become my own earhair-enemy. 

  But it could have been worse, I guess.   The group I associate with at work are a mature crowd.  Their eyesight isn't like use-ta-be and most have earhairs of their own, earhairs they can be proud of. So, I figure as long as I can still see, feel and pluck my own unruly rogue hairs I am ahead of the social grooming curve.  But maybe we could all use a little help from our friends. One of my colleagues has asked for a lady's agreement. Using my 20/20 vision I am to alert him to any strays I may spy...though to prevent hurt feelings I have been collecting a few hairs to alert him of all at once, instead of a daily hair check-in.  It's better for us both that way. I get to marvel at those wiry wonders for a few more days, and he gets to think his super power is growing multiple magnanimous hairs in an afternoon. So my fair earhairs- it's been a while since we wrote, but you are a familiar friend. Honestly though, I could do without you whispering in my ear. Literally.

  Do people ask you favours? Do they want your advice? And thank you for your outlook? Do peers admire you? Does every other problem come before your own? Has something felt off? Are you behaving in a way that you're proud of?  Is your karmic scale in balance? These are important questions and even more important- are your answers.  In recent social interaction I have noticed people straying from the person they tell others they are.  This is so brutal.  It is your responsibility to try and be your best.  Being an optimist gal, I want to see the best in every person I meet.  Even the ones who've hurt me.  I want people to want to be their best selves.  It has gotten to the point people, where material goods aren't good enough.  I want the fabric of our lives to be the woven of strong moral fiber.  

  Being less than your best can make you feel guilty.  And there are so many kinds of guilt.   Guilt for doing something wrong, or the guilt of wanting to do something wrong, without actually doing it.  But then there's that feeling. You know one? That something is not quite right. Something is off and the universe is taking it out on you.  I call that Karmic Guilt. When you feel guilty about something that isn't your fault. Or you think that things beyond your control are out of whack.  It's full-moon-mania even though it's waxed and waned. This karmic imbalance is the worst. Nothing you did -directly- created it, but you're suffering with it none the less.

    What posible control can you have over the whims of Karma? Well, Hubby is a fan of saying that intention is the most important part of doing anything.  If you're intending something evil, karmically you will receive something evil. Conversely if you intend something fabulous, it should manifest equally so... But this is never my luck.  I am an even-Stephen.  So instead of one big fabu cosmic gift, I receive thousands of teeny weeny fabus.  But I can't complain...because karma is listening.  What can we do to rejig the karmic balance, if right now it's not in our favor?  Do you give the waitress a big tip?  Tell someone you love them? Compliment a stranger? I can only hope that by trying to be good, karma will see how hard I'm working at it and recognize that sometimes I fail, but I still deserve to get some points for effort.  So, Karma, if you're listening; I hope to tip the scales in my favour and reach my ideal Karmic weight:) but I'm willing to put in the workout.