WHAAAt? My father found out I was moving through my blog.  Well, there goes that big shiny smart idea that my parents wouldn't be interested in reading my silly little blog. Turns out they do in fact read my blog, which means they do in fact read my facebook, which might also mean they read my twitter... oh the many implications.  I wasn't actually sure that people would read this.  I mean who am I and what do I do? *Austrian accent implied.  Oh yeah, I am Melicious (see home page) and I write a blog sometimes. Sorry, all that Quantum Leaping has given me a swiss cheese memory.  I knew that people thought I was amusing, I mean slightly less interesting than a real personality, but more informative- shall we say, opinionated than most strangers shouting their opinions from soap boxes or on streetcars.  
   Dang! swiss cheese- Here we go, BEA-ack to the 'rents reading this blog: Well, my parents have always been supportive, and I never wanted to hurt their feelings, but they're the reason I am who I am- take it as you will Pops.   But in a book I am reading which should be called "Teach me to be funny, cause I'm not", the author is teaching me to make fun of my dearest most supportive fans, and she says they'll actually appreciate it.  Now, my family relishes a good roast, but what's good for the goose ain't always so good for the gander, if you catch my drift. I guess what I really want to know is...boom ba doom boom... Are you gonna go my way? *Kravitz accent implied.  I think I would like to make fun of me and my parents, and me and my brother and my husband and I, my dog, the cat, their owner (me), my living situation and struggling career, cause I don't really know anything else, and eventually branch out to making fun of well still mostly myself, boy I have got material!  So, I guess the question is daddy, if you're reading this, is it still mean if you mean well? 
9/10/2012 10:57:39 am

Great site, was just reading and doing some work when I found this page


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