While exploring our new area, Hubby and I stumbled upon a magical place.  A place where vanilla malts and black cherry floats live together in harmony.  A place where the bells and whistles compete but also stand alone.  A place filled with flashing lights and chomping sounds.  We have found our Parkdale Shangri la, but I am weary to share this with you; because I want it to be all mine.*insert maniacal hand rubbing.

  Hubby and I love games.  We love playing board gams; competing strategically.  We love playing video games; though I am more of a trivia/side scroller and Hubby is just plain obsessed.  Our relationship was founded upon the Wii, for crying out loud.  Tricking little innocent me into going to his apartment to play tennis.  But this place is different, it's a mecca of vintage and top rated pinball machines.  In all my excitement of this place, I want all the flipping glory for myself. I don't even want to tell you what it's called, okay, okay...it's called The Pinball Cafe.  And it's awesome sauce.

   Our Thursday evening wasn't going according to plan.  See Hubby wanted a bison burger from what used to be the best bison place in town...Well, they've changed and now even though there is still a GIANT bison on their sign- they don't offer it.  Sad, but what can you do?  Then we were nearly run off the sidewalk by a gentleman in a rascal traveling just under light speed, taking in the sights.  Followed by 3 different looney toons, all of whom are ranting what could easily be stitched into a hip-hop lyric. For example, drop this beat: "We didn't make the bombs, we were busy singing songs, making love and conquoring, 2 perverts, just 2 perverts, open them legs and give me them eggs." Now, we're both hungry and Hubby is disappointed; and being disappointed and hungry is no good combo; he's like the Hulk without the smashing.  So, we walk on. We eat our favourite Roti, enjoying every mouthful. But we're still unsatisfied...we are seeking something more.  Food for our souls, a sentimental dink like me might say. Parkdale, you promised us something special.

 You came through! Parkdale you beautiful b*%#h. Knowing that Hubby and I were desperate for a sign that we belong here, you opened up your tickle trunk and pulled out- 2 hours of bell ringing, ball baring, elastic flipper, Miss PacMan with a roasted marshmallow milkshake.  I am not sure that a Thursday has any right being that fun.  I mean, I spent 10 quaters + the cost of the Shake.  It's a cheap and wicked way to spend an evening.  If you don't like the bell ringing, there are board games too.  But don't look at the leader boards, with the #1 slot being in the billions...it makes me feel stupid that I loose 2 of the 5 balls  right off the spring, but what's the adage?  A pin ball in the hand trumps a bison sign, and Parkdale ain't so shabby- as long as you stay off the sidewalk. 
5/15/2012 12:45:37 am

Love that place!

5/15/2012 01:18:42 am

NEXT time in TO - I so wanna go!!


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