I used to worry. I mean a lot. I used to worry that I would trip off the sidewalk and crush my head under the wheels of a car;  popping it like a watermelon. I used to worry a toilet snake would be lurking in the bowl the one time I didn't turn the light on to inspect. I use to worry about breaking my front teeth while climbing up stairs. I worried about falling off ladders.  I worried a lot.  This preoccupation with worry happened all day long, every single day.  It was my main focus. But I was tired of living that way. So I changed it.  Taking control of yourself is one of the hardest things to do. 

   I remember that I used to spend a lot of time without enjoying the things I was doing. I was too busy worrying.  I did lots of things that made me worry. Stupid things, that weren't worth worrying about.  I did things that I didn't like because I thought that's what you did as a grown up. Oh oh then surprise, it turns out I'm a better grown up while doing the things I like, as childish as they may be.  I quit my rational job and joined this circus.  I fell in love with my Hubby, even though he's actor.  I started taking my choices seriously.  And though Laundry is still holding strong at #8, I can honestly say my worries have become tiny bubbles.

  By looking at life through rose coloured glasses, I have significantly decreased the amount I worry.   Now I worry about things that I can control. Like tomorrow's blog topic or the possibility of losing taste on the left side of my tongue because I eat too much hot food. Both are small worries in the scheme of things- but it seems that these are the worries I want to deal with and discount.  Ah but here's the problem. I don't mind sweating the small stuff.  But what I'd really like is to control some of the bigger issues we all worry about. Like people getting enough to eat, taking care of abandoned animals and city governance.  Things in our big picture need to change.  I'm worried that if I don't do something nobody else will. And I think with a little organization we could worry ourselves into a brighter future.  

9/6/2012 10:16:07 pm

Worry me? Why almost everyday about something!


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