Sooo...If you know me, you know- I am loud.  I am a loud talker, laugher, I bang into things, I am not a quiet person.  It's not on purpose, and it's without Melicious intent, so what's the big deal?  I know, I know, just because I think the next thing that might fly out of my mouth could be the day's funniest statement and that the more people who hear it the better, doesn't make it so... 
  That's why I started a blog, as I am getting more comfortable with my; this is the Voice, my own real life conversations are becoming crisper.  The writing is helping me speak... A duh, a doy.  Surprise- that's why public figures don't just wing it, and speech writers make a tonne of mola.  It's because sounding natural, concise and clear is hard.  
  Take this blog, if you read some of the earlier posts...Whoa, even I have trouble following the through lines.  They are round-about-ey (not a word, but should be) and confusing- no wonder nobody was reading them.  As I started to blossom into this young writer you read before you, the stories become straight forward.  No more interesting, but at least understandable.  Understandable writing is probably the most important thing about writing.  Otherwise, ehtocus ahosduss ahos, hahaha-right?  
  Practice! With practice comes...well, perfection, but that may be over shooting a bit a this point.  Let's say with practice comes less humiliation.  A daily blog forces me to create something everyday.  Force is a strong but accurate word.  Word choice.  Every word in the english language has a different implication, and choosing the right one is important.  Be brave, if you write something and only 2 people read it, odds are 50% of them will like it.  Of course, I am not a stats Canada employee and haven't fact checked that statement, but I am assuming one of those people is my Mama,(Hi mom!) and she mostly loves my work... when the language is tame:)  
  Creating an online avenue for myself is a great way to keep me at home and out of real life alleys, though being the scaredy cat I am, I generally choose the long, well lit way home.  Having a place to come and be myself is wicked.  I just wish you would come here and be yourself too. I want #FreakChic to reign supreme. The time of the nerd is passed.  It is now up to us to let people know, what they want to do, they can do.  And that even if you're a weirdo, you can be part of my team. So, I might be loud or choose the wrong topic, but I am getting better... Writing will change the way you feel about words.  I am starting to go lightly but carry a big online schtick.
4/18/2012 03:20:37 am

Words do have a way of defining us!

Antony Ellis
4/20/2012 11:13:10 am

Fun reading.


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