As I compose this blog there are 2 sets of fingers in my mouth.  No, that's not right.

  As I compose this I am fully reclined with a grinder drilling a hole in my brain...nope, still not there.

  This blog was written from the comfort of a dentist's chair.  As this new dentist, who I liked as soon as I met him, feels around inside my mouth for this dramatic fracture I am blogging in my mind.  You know how people say "Go to your happy place."  This is my happy place.  But that Rod-damned grinding/polishing is throwing my thoughts into a tizzy- Rude.  The weird thing is I don't want to talk about the hands in my mouth (though I have mentioned it twice).  I don't even want talk about dentists in general, except this: I love Steve Martin.  The topic of choice today?

  It's you.  Yes, you.  Stop looking around. No, not that guy, why would it be that guy?  I can smell his BO from here. Eww.  I digress.  Yesterday I spent time with 2 of my biggest cheerleaders- unrelated to me by blood or marriage.  People who have chosen my basket for some of their eggs.  A weird analogy, but I like it.  These two fab folks are wicked sticks.  The kind that beat the crap out of low-self esteem and prop you up when you're not too sure of yourself.  While Hubby says I may give myself too much credit, it's still nice to hear it from others.  There is a very nervous and shy girl under this bravado.*insert Home Alone face  

   When you're a little person, friendship is a game of proximity.  You weren't friends with people you didn't see.  That's the way it was.  When you grow up, well get taller, friendship changes.  You start realizing you can learn something from every friend in your life, near or far.  Yesterday's lesson was in loyalty and dedication. These two get me doing all sorts of things I don't wanna do, but they knows it's good for me, so I do things for/with them. And maybe a little bit for me. Being more like them helps me feel better about myself.  Is that alright?  It almost feels like I am taking advantage of their kindness, and claiming it as my own.  I hope they get something from me other than a blog entry:)

 Another friend of mine has been teaching me generosity.  He's generous beyond merit. It's strange to me- I don't like giving gifts. I am not very good at it. I am not good at it because I am cheap.  He reminded me that giving to others is a gift in itself.  Giving is the point, and it feels good. That is the reason you give someone something. To give it. But I forgot that.  I am not sure if I will ever be great at this, but I think trying is the first step to changing that. Then there's Damnber who splits herself so many ways and still manages to make you feel special. Important. Understood. She is more whole while split than most people are whole.  If you can wrap your head around that.  

   So dear friends near and far, old and new let's remember the lessons we've learned and the ones we are teaching.  Oh, this UV light and schmancy glasses mean I am almost done at the dentist, and this blog.  Which is a good thing cuz thinking about how special you are is giving me the vapours.  Oh no, that's just stray spittle.  Talk about grinding to a halt:)  (That's a very happy smile. Thanks DDS)
5/18/2012 12:59:52 am

Good to know the mouth will be feeling better soon... Once your tongue settles down!

Lynda Roberts
5/18/2012 09:13:10 am

I love steve martin too, love my dentist and totally get all of this.....that makes me smile!


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