When was the last time you danced. I mean really shook what your Mama gave ya? Danced until you were out of breath from laughing so hard... Closed your eyes and shrieked along with a song that makes you loose your mind and has for years? A song that you've loved since grade school- I bet my wicked sticks that you still know all the words.  Dancing is something every kid does, even though it's more like shaking your sillies out than actual dancing, not that I can boast better moves. 

    I am not a good dancer, I am really Really not a good dancer.  My very white and untoned arms flailing through the air. My legs either kicking Ringwald style or pogo bouncing- depending on my shirt as I have had too many dance-wardrobe malfunctions.  The combination of clumsy and banging beats is dangerous. In highschool I used to dance with my shadow on the wall, cuz it was the only thing forced to dance with me.  If you've seen me dance, you know, it's a combination of mock sexy oooh faces and deep knee bends.  It's really not great. Thank goodness my regular dance partners are one tough cookie and a bitch. DJ Jilly Bean is a good sport, she tries to keep up for the first 2 songs but she's not in it for the long haul she prefers to growl/sigh at me from the couch once she's realized I am not dancing because there are "sooo manny ccoookkies in my pocket" and she's gonna get them all.  My tough cookie is a whoo girl. Is there anything better than a Whoo girl, hooting and hollering and carrying on like a crazed woman; possessed by the music.  Okay, that's a little much, but you get it. She's fun. 
 As for the loss of public dancing. Why don't we have group dances anymore? Moves that everybody knew- the bump, the shuffle, the dip, electric slide and begrudgingly I will even accept the chicken dance.  The steps uniting a group of wedding goers or prom attendees.  Making outcasts part of the group. A step chart for social interaction helps the socially awkward. Dancing is never going to be something I am good at- no matter how many tap, ballet or jazz classes I take. Even modern dance; a dance designed for the body you've got no matter who you are, I still look strange. A bad dancer dancing strangely is still bad. But what about twirling? I am a great spinner, like a Roddamn top! a twirl-master general.  So, maybe I focus on the round and round instead of the doo-wop & get down; it's a small sacrifice. Plus the Macarena isn't dead and even my GMa can do that- Hhhaaa!
5/22/2012 10:39:57 pm

I think the Mexican hat dance is one I can handle!!


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