A protective boyfriend covers his girlfriend's low cut neckline, hiding it from his buddy's prying eyes.  While two unlikely partners kiss eachother hello. And the previously innocuous guy suddenly has so much more potential. A familiar easy listening soundtrack plays gently in the background of a slightly breezy patio. Isn't social time the best? I don't know why I fret whenever I know I am going out with work people.  But when you work hard in an industry that has long hours, it's rare that you have the opportunity to get to know those around you personally. So, when it does happen, sometimes the wheels fall off- in the very best of ways.  

  While sitting at a table with very familiar faces covered with strange expressions; I noticed that even the most unlikely of us have something special to offer. For my role I chose to be-surprise- the cockeyed optimist with a sardonic dash of realism.  Which is truly an underrated role. Making it my job to interject and avert socially awkward situations.  For example a colleague wallowing in self pity. Tactic: I assured them they are not the 'Before' photo and even if they went completely off the rails at this point in their lives, they would still end up on the bright side.  Or the indecisive dinner chooser. Tactic: I simplify an overwhelming menu by breaking it down into -always good, even when it's bad (ie: chicken wings & nachos) -hit or miss (ie: Cobb salad & quesadillas) and the -steer-clear (anything with the word buster or bonanza).  And when the conversation veered back towards work, as it tends to do with work friends struggling with topical connections, I would pleasantly steer it back towards the safe zones. Cuz when I am not getting paid, I don't wanna talk shop.  Although I accept shop talk for a grace period of an hour.  From then on I need to talk about anything else.  Oh and the safe zones you ask? In each group no matter their initial connection there are several topics that everyone can participate in. For example in the film industry we can talk about movies and music. Bands we've seen. Dances we've learned. Comics we love. As long as they are unrelated to our project.  Theatre is also a great option. Close to film but different enough to be unrelated. The obvious don't topics are: politics, religion & fantasy sports teams. The last one simply because I do not understand them.

Work friends are a strange breed. Especially in this industry, where our attachments are fast and fiery. Only to be quickly shifted and scattered to the wind. It's always nice to know how many people out there share my same strange obsession of toiling in this industry. So, as I laid my head down last night in the cheap stinky motel room that production provided,  I was thankful for our dinghy shared station.  But the very best thing about these work friends is their collective attachment to the business of creating attachments.

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