I haven't been sick in over a year.  I have been working hard and fighting off viruses with enthusiasm.  But to everything turn, turn, turn, there is a season. And 'tis the season for an end of summer cold. Les Sigh. When I was at performing arts post secondary school, surviving on Mrs Noodle and suffering from low blood sugar and pre-anemia, I would get a master blaster of a summer cold that would knock me down for weeks. Then linger till Christmas. But since I started eating like a grown up; my health is much better and I haven't suffered from any long drawn out illnesses. Believing in my own invincibility I let my illness avoidance techniques lapse and as punishment I was dealt a cruel hand- filled with snot rags and cough lozenges. 

    Now, I have worked in many jobs. Jobs where plenty of the staff have imbibed during work hours. They could perform their duties drunk, or nearly drunk.  I drank at work once, ONCE! and realized I could not perform my tasks without broadcasting my intoxication. As an already clumsy girl drinking on the job was not a great idea.  However now that I am suffering from this horrible nasty cold; this squatting in my sinuses and dragging it's nails down my throat kind of cold, I could use a hot toddy. Quite unpleasant indeed. Since drinking at work is wrong I decided instead to take the medication recommended for this... And let me tell you it was more intoxicating than alcohol. And better because it's not illegal to take cold medication at work.  I've been drifting around the building in the fluffy white haze of a sleepy head. How can I not be a work hazard? Bumping into things and sneezing on people, I would call WSIB on me!

    Cough, cold, flu and pneumonia have drawn their swords and started the charge. I can only hope that by taking way too much medication right off the hop I can nip this virus in the bud. But drinking 5 glasses of tea before lunch, having 2 dissolvable vitamin C tablets, 4 shots of nasal spray, the coughing fits, a throat spray, a drippy watery nose, the sneezing, 4 Advil cold and sinuses, and 1 very soggy run in with a netti pot; health can be overwhelming for someone who hasn't been ill in a long time. I forgot what it was like to be sick, in more than just the head.

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