Hubby has been adamant this week that I stop scowling.  I have been deep in thought. Lost in the twisted and dark place that is my imagination.  For many days and many nights we have been challenging ourselves. I mean really committing. Doing it. Not just talking about it. But actually doing it. For the month of November we have both accepted our missions, just as the communication blew up. 

   Now, what is it we're really doing? What has my brow furrowed? Well, I can tell you I suppose. November is NaNoWriMo! Wha? Well, layman, it's National Novel Writing Month. It means 50,000 words in 30 days. An average of 1,667 words a day. Writing your novel. Actually doing it. I mean you type your word count in each day, check your progress. Compete against people you know, and folks you don't. It is a challenge- and I am not counting my words written on my blog topics. They aren't novel- enough. 

    I am glad a colleague of mine has also entered this challenge.  She has been writing more than I have, which makes me a little jealous- reappearance of the Green Eyed Vixen- but we're actually really helping each other.  She has stimulated my brain by asking me questions I'd never thought of. Which created answers I didn't know I was looking for.   Upon discussion of our common and contrasting difficulties we realized that where I need help, she can help and vise versa.  Now I understand why young writers have mentors and work with writing groups. If you're all dedicated creators, you'll be happy just to know someone is creating. Knowing that you helped knock down a blockage or untie a tangled thread. And that's only the assignmet I can tell you about. Alright, maybe I am a bit furrowed, but how else should a Young Adult Mystery writer look?

   So, thank you to my Hubby, the Misfit and my BFF- who doesn't yet know she will be my editor;) My writers circle is ringing with inspiration. 

P.S. I can't wait to see the look on JK's face when my series knocks her out of the YAF top spot! Take that Potter.

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