The adage goes that you are what you eat.  Well, I don't remember eating a heaping helping of passive agressive with a steaming side of sad-sack.  This whole eating well thing is getting me down.  I mean; Hey Ms. Craig, while I've been watching weight, and I couldn't help but notice, I have no idea who you are. I know Jennifer Hudson, Valerie Bertinelli and Kirstie Alley have all benefited from the meal plan mentality, even if only temporarily. But what do I look like a rich and influential spokesperson? (Which I could be if you wanted*insert gleaming smile ting) I can't afford to spend $15 a meal for $6.40 worth of food.  And Dr. Bernstein you silver haired slim Jim, you've been around since fat people were invented. But those vitamin B shots are more expensive than Jenny, though I guess you save on the cost of food, cuz you don't buy any.  I can't afford your fancy programs!  So, here's my plan.  Back to basics.  Cut out dairy and simple carbs.  On the upside, I am allowed as many veggies as I want.  But really how many veggies can any one person truly want?

   I have been trying to quit meat. With the exception of fish and local organic chicken and this past weekend which went entirely off the rockers.  Going out on the road, I ate everything but the pig, with whom I was too busy commiserating our similar silhouettes, though his skin was better.  Desperately searching for other sources of protein has me subbing in beans and chickpeas at every meal. Now, all those veggies are delicious.  Low in fat.  Fibrous and filling.  But they also bloat me. It's not the same as the 3 day meatloaf bloat. But the musical fruit has definitely been busy composing, if you catch my whiff.  Creating a strange alternate reality where I out toot- Hubby-the-Toots-Magoots...a strange and scary place, don't leave me alone in here.*insert gesture to my head.

   With the increase of my physical activity and the slowly but steadily declining junk food intake I am hoping to see results.  Not drastic ones, but the slow and steady tortoise
 kind of results.  And am eager to post them for y'all.  I am excited to be the change I want to see in the mirror. The greatest motivator? I found a clothing store that is perfect for ME! I mean perfect: A little bit vintage and lot amazing. But knowing it would be a waste to buy anything at this current size, cuz in a couple months I would have to get it altered- fingers crossed. And that if I reach my goal Hubby Warbucks will hopefully, pretty please with a cherry on top reward me. (You smell what I'm cooking Hubby?) Oh and as for this meal plan, I think it really can work! After a bunch of steamed broccoli with nothing except Toronto spice and 4 mini roasted potatoes. I had myself a tight and tidy one pan dinner.  Full, happy and proud; I congratulated myself.  Then promptly ate a butter tart.*headshake  Well, if I am going to become what I eat, maybe I should start eating more awesome-sauce on wicked sticks and a slice of magic for dessert.  Mmmmagic.
Not the Momma.
10/22/2012 01:42:09 am

Wanna go for ice cream?

10/22/2012 01:43:14 am

Dairy and high fat! Maybe whipped tofu instead?

Racist Mofo
10/22/2012 05:16:55 am

As per, a great read. I would suggest having your personal Carb sensitvity checked. You may find out that you can eat things you like and drop weight(fat), or conversely, why not all diets suit all people. If you ask an HK student in 3rd year at UofT or York, they may just set you up for one. Otherwise, ask your personal physician or consult a nutrition counsellor to find out where they will do it for you. FIsh, turkey, and chicken are likley fine. ALso have a look at Paleo diet, and dont leave out the fruitski....RMF


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