   Alternate titles include:  The Resolutionator, My Body/My Self, Everything Old is New Again, You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello and This is Going to be the BEST Year Ever- the Farmer's Almanac said so.

    Well, jingle my Xmas bell and ring in the New Year! I've missed all 6 of my loyal readers!  And am enjoying my new found popularity in the Russian market.  Who knew they were fans of the middle of the road humour I am all about.  Hmmm*insert shrug.  There have been a multitude of changes over the past 2 weeks... For one you might've noticed the image to the right...Why yes, that is my new logo. Oh really?  You think so? I'm a big fan too.  I am also planning on a huge website overhaul to celebrate my first blog-iversary- Exciting times for those of us on the ground floor. Many more floors planned, but I am awaiting zoning by-law approval.  

   Now, this Year's resolutions include soon to be classics and renewals of the ever popular standards.  For example I am taking level 2 Ukeology with my Fav teacher Judy Marshak, a continuation of last year's initiative. There has been significant progress on my YA novels, so that's coming off the back burner and being put onto the mid-burner.  I am back to being a pescetarian, which is a type of omnivore.  A fancy way of saying meat makes me sad and sick, plus fish can't cry, they don't have tear ducts. Hubby and I have also started juicing.  The amazing flavours of cabbage and kale finally in one condensed murky glass...that was sarcasm, though most of his concoctions have been a dis-licious veggie blast.  The whole eating right and exercise thing seemed to be working, so that is to be continued with renewed fervour.  Which brings me to what I have been worried about...I owe us a weigh in.  Sigh.  I'll be honest, all the goodies and boozes and baddies caught up with me this holiday season.  For example, Hubby and I finished a box of Ferrero Rochers in a sitting, mind you it was a Sons of Anarchy marathon, so it was over a few hours, but still. Those delicious hazelnut nuggets went down like butter... which I also ate a lot of.  Looking at myself in the gym wall mirror this week has given me pause. I am definitely up... but just how much is yet to been seen.  So, I guess it's time for us to see what comes of bad decisions.

And now for the moment I've been avoiding:  Week 12 measurements 

Height still 5'8"
Weight 173.6 (-2.6 lbs)
Bust 40 (-/+)
Natural waist 33.5 (+.5")
Hips 44 (+1")
Arm flex  r:13.5 (+.5")   l:13.5 (-/+)
Arm rest r: 12.5  (-1")  l:12.75 (-.75") 
Thigh standing r: 25 (+.25)  l:24.5 (-/+)

For a total gain of .5 inches but a loss of 2.6 lbs

  That is one strange weigh in.  I knew that I would be up, but to also be down... It's a wonder that people don't drive themselves crazy with their numbers.  From what I understand the muscle I gained before the holidays helped me to fend off some of the weight, though not the bloating.  Oh and as had been the pattern no inches gained or lost on my bust line.  Surprise, surprise, surprise.  I am definitely happy to be back on track, it's not necessarily a fast track, but now I know what direction I am going.  So as soon as that Pot of Gold is gone I will be back to my strict no junk regime...I mean who can resist that chocolatey flavour rainbow?

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