A few blogs ago I initiated a challenge.  My goal was to focus and narrow in on one of my passing fancies.  Writing.  Now, you may say, Melicious you write everyday.  Aw, you noticed? But I don't write with a goal in mind.  I have a tendency to vary my interests.  Which is great for those Squirrel! moments, when I can't remember what I wanted to do, I just look around and see something shiny and decide to play with that.  In my short busy life, I have been an esthetician, a bartender, a box office attendent, a drive thru attendent, a cruise director, a bead stringer, a stationary creator, well, you get the point.  Hubby is proud of coining the phrase: "Melicious loves to collect.  She collects other people's hobbies and jobs.".  He's right of course.  It's a rare genetic form of career hoarding.  I mean how embarrassing would it be if someone asked me a question I didn't have the answer to, or worse, wanted me to do a job I didn't know how to do.  I might look stupid.  The upside of course, I love learning. I hereby plant this flag as the Master of Being Jack of All Trades.  

   The love of learning is key to the actor's life, otherwise how would we know what you to do if we were supposed to act like a cop, a robber, or a pizza delivery guy- who's really an undercover cop. These are important questions.  Learning is also the tether that keeps the writing ball in play.  Being able to predict the outcomes of situations each different character finds themselves in.  The characters are important and their lives are as different from each other as they are from my own.  Imagination and learned information is the key to unlocking the stories of the fictional folks in Book Town. I mean stories would be pretty boring if the only character the writer knew how to write was themselves, unless of course it's an autobiography, in which case that's acceptable. This blog is mostly about me, but that's what blogs are all about.  My writing and acting are all about others.  And in most cases fake people.  Learning how the world works and how people fit in as cogs in the grand scheme is a ticking coo-coo clock, waiting to chime the hour.  And I always want to know what time it is.

    The laser beam that has become my focus may start to burn right through my artistic obstacles which include but are not limited to:  fear of failure, fear of success, regret and laziness.  My brain is still jammed full of half baked ideas and schemes.  But knowing that if I don't actually put the effort forward I have only myself and my distractions to blame. So, for now I am focused on becoming the next big thing in YA literature that goes mainstream.  Turns into a billion dollar franchise, with a beloved series of movies and trademarked memorabilia.  It's a cosmic goal, but I am aiming for the moon, hoping to end up amongst the stars. The passing fancies on the back burner have been simmering for a while, and I look forward to bringing some of those stew pots to the front burner and then eating my heart out.  There are very important things that I still need to learn, but I will never lose my lust for consuming the knick knack info that sticks in this noggin and tickles my fancy.  Those tidbits eventually become a part of my stories and the stories of Book Town.  I am writing here and in aCloud to help us learn that fancy things come from passing along the information we've learnt.  So, that's today's lesson. An apple for the teacher, if you please.

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