So, it was six weeks ago that I faced facts and stared the terrible truth dead in the eye. Not liking what I saw I decided that it was time for action.  I am the captain of my own destiny and if I truly wanted to reach the end of this life long journey without reget, it was time I took the wheel.  Since then I have up-ed my effort, my enthusiasm and my fiber.  It was time for a change or 12, and I have been working my way through the ever lengthening list tortoise style.  This is a race I want to win.

   I have been visiting "gym mirror me" 3 or 4 times a week. She looks a lot more comfortable in her lulus, they don't bunch as much.  Nothing less flattering than a yoga pant camel toe. Though, I don't believe I am ready quite yet for the apparently fashionable gym rat short shorts. A fad which is strange to me because who wants more of their skin touching the common elements?  Interestingly, I have started to schedule my workouts.  Finding time between the skimmed milk wonder twins who play their music too loud and never break a sweat and the grunting guy who reminds me of that viral video where that Russian strains so hard his insides fall out. Watching others in the gym setting I finally get why at home gyms are popular.  It's amazing how much better it would be to have my own wall of frosted mirrors, wind machine, bow flex and a slightly dimmer, more flattering light.

    My eating habits are back to mostly veggies with the occasional bacon slip.  Eating clean foods like arugula, kale and whole grains. With a daily boost of fiber, just to add... interest.  I think I finally get what those cryptic commercials mean by 'regular'.  Salads and live sprouts are at the top of my list. Late night binges have almost disappeared.  Though there are days when I still crave junk. It would be a lie to say that I never think about hot wings, Doritos and orange Crush. But I think that's the fear and self-defeat talking and they weren't invited to this party.

  Even though I haven't lost weight I feel tighter. My big jeans are loose. My skinny jeans are still too skinny, but I don't look like Molly Muffin top anymore.  Which is a good feeling.  Now I am able to sport my whole wardrobe, not just my fat pants.  The worry that after dinner and drinks I will swell and push the seams to extremes is gone.  I feel more confident wearing flirty skirts and leggings.  It's a good start.  The worst*fingers crossed* is yet to come, when I hopefully*arms crossed too* I become too small for all my clothes and they hang off me like some bigger girl's hand-me-downs.

  Anybody who says improving themselves was easy is only saying it to make you feel bad. Life is hard. Being good is hard
.  Living a good life well is harder. And being the best you and becoming a benefit to yourself is the hardest. Things are getting better and less hard.  Firmer yes, but not harder.  I am starting to see what a difference little changes can make, and I can't wait to see what some bigger changes will, well, change:). So, stay brave, be bold and sweat those pre-Xmas stresses out. And even though I thought I would have made more numeric progress, I feel better than I have in months. So, how could I complain about that? Wait, I'm sure I can find a way...

And now for the moment we've been waiting for:  Week 6 measurements 

Height still 5'8"
Weight 176.2 (+1.8)
Bust 40 (-/+)
Natural waist 32.5 (-.5")
Hips 43 (-1")

Arm flex  r:13.25 (-.5")   l:13.5 (-/+)
Arm rest r: 13.5  (-/+)  l:13.5 (-/+) 
Thigh standing r: 24.75 (+.25)  l:24.5 (-.5)

For a total loss of 1.75 inches

P.S. BFF says it's not the weight that I should focus on it's the measurements.  Which except the bust are heading in the right direction.  Which is a good thing/ bad thing I think.
11/18/2012 10:42:29 pm

Congratulations you are successful! Keep up dedication and you will see the numbers change.

Eacist Mofo
11/19/2012 07:24:30 am

Well Lloyd, you have made the first paramount observation. The scale stays the same while the rest firms up. That firm stuff will burn more calories, and a ways down the road the scale will start to drop. You know I've done it, but not to fit into skinny jeans. WTF is that about anyways, grade nine? Keep up the good work, walk you dog, find out what "tasty" stuff you can eat and enjoy. Strong is the new skinny, so giddy upp!


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