Against my better judgement, I have launched this campaign while still working my all consuming job.  Knowing how accountability works; I am going to stick to it and start as planned. Though perhaps not the way I planned.  The nitty gritty of The Starving Artist will go up as soon as I am free to do so.  Including my current body measurements, my eating plan and my goals to better myself. But for today... enjoy a healthy bite of blog:)

  Having too much on your plate.
 Your life plate and your dinner plate. The typical North American workaholic has a tendency to live life to the fullest; by undertaking more than the suggested serving size.  And I am no exception.  With food we tend to eat our fill and then some.  In life we jam each waking hour with the bread and butter of expectation.  Consuming what we crave and still hungering for more.  Ensuring that we aren't missing out on something special. Packing our plates with all the social food groups and licking them clean.  We're afraid of wasting even the smallest morsel of deliciousness. There are socially starving children all over the world.  

  Portion control relies heavily on your support systems.  Being strong for yourself and making the decision to stick to your guns can be hard.
  Having a BFF who knows you might cheat but she would keep that secret on lock-down; gives the strength to stick to your meal plan.  On the other hand, having a Hubby who pushes your buttons can create a craving to break the rules; stuffing your face with all the wrong responses.  The ability to see a plateful and have the strength to ask for a doggie bag is a newly acquired skill set.  But it agrees with my new initiative.

   Variation and moderation.  It's okay to start small and add as you go.  This technique allows you to slowly and comfortably fill your stomach and soul.  By choosing smaller options and splitting them tapas style you encourage a sense of community generosity.  My life is full of moderated variation from ukeing to swimming, dancing myself skinny to eating myself fat and everything in between.  Variety is the spice of life and I like it hot.  This variety helps your spirit & taste buds to be pleased without the overstuffed sensation of way too much.  As with most things the good life requires you to read the box and follow the recipe. Pick your menu wisely and be strong enough to avoid any unnecessary substitutions. They cost you more in the long run any way.
9/16/2012 08:52:46 pm

Doggie bags also help feed socially starving hubbies around the world. :)


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