Text me, Facebook me, Tweet me but whatever you do, don't call me. In the last 3 weeks my phone has rung quite a bit and on the other end has been someone I loved and a few times something completely unexpected but just as special. But it made me realize; it's been a long time since I had one of 'those' phone calls.  You know the ones I mean. The phone calls that stop the world and change everything.  I've been so focused on being happy and taking advantage of all the good luck I've been having, that I forgot the whole universe is in motion. I'd forgotten things could change drastically and never change back.  

  When I was growing up I lost 3 Grandparents, an Uncle, a Cousin and one classmate for each year of high school.  I've lost people to illness both quickly and slowly. Watched people fall apart and become someone I couldn't recognize. I have watched people loose themselves and forget everything they love. People have been ripped away, without warning. And people have lingered painfully. And the ringing of the telephone has always been the messenger. The phone can be a dangerous tool if wielded thoughtlessly.

  On the other hand, I have had phone calls to welcome a new baby. People exploding with joy. Momma calling to share good news and Papa calling to tell me a joke.  Phone calls about people traveling to interesting  places, asking me to watch their animals.  Conversations about raises and engagements. Good friends calling to check-in, and make plans. A job offer that you never dreamed you'd get. Each time the link has been a complex series of satellites and wires, bringing their special messages to me.

  What I am getting at is this: Things have been going so well for me in my personal, private and professional life; that I had a shock of worry. Worrying if the other shoe would drop. I have been on a roll. Picking up the phone expecting nothing but the beep or the occasional wrong number.  An optimist through and through... I just don't want anything to change. Please, please, please...I love things right now.  I want to have my Parents forever, my Hubby beside me, my BFF nearby, my Bro happy, I want the freeze frame.  Is that so much to ask?  When listening to my BFF's voice carried over those wireless waves; I realized that nobody wants things to change. They would do anything to keep the happy status quo. But sometimes it's not up to us.   Sometimes the phone rings and it's the call we've been dreading. So give those you love the 411 and trust that the world will keep changing, every time the phone rings.   

6/5/2012 10:29:30 pm

True - keep those phone lines cool. Love ya!

6/6/2012 03:09:56 am

Well, BFF just needs one small change - my husband with me here in Toronto - then things would be perfect. ;)

Not the Miomma
6/6/2012 12:52:58 pm

Enjoed the story. No call from here.


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