I grew up surrounded by gossips. Not the mean spirited kind of gossip, more like the I know all your beeswax cuz we live in a small town kinda gossip. And I loved it. I love knowing who's in love. Who's newly single.  Who's getting a promotion. I love it all. But upon hearing this from another gossip: "You know that man cheated on wife with a 23 year old; ruined his marriage. Let's go talk to him." I stopped to think about it.  I don't support his decision to be that guy. In fact I am shocked that anyone would; except he was in a place of power.  What she thought we'd extract from him I have no idea, so I decided not to join the conversation. Which brings me to- the classy gossip.

     The classy gossip doesn't participate in gossip mongering. If you have a difficult situation you want to share I will be a sympathetic ear. And then keep my mouth shut about it.  If you are having a tough month in your relationship I am happy to help any way I can or offer no help if that's what you need.  But I think I am done with the people who disregard the feelings of others in pursuit of selfish glory. I can no longer tolerate the brutal spilling of someone else's beans... In CSI speak- it's hearsay.  Hearsay is a third party retelling of something they have no business to share.  I think we're better than that. At least I hope to be better than that.

   Privacy seems a concept that has been long forgotten. With public FB profiles and Instagram we are able to see what SMiley Circus wore to the grocery store.  I can honestly say I'm not interested. Pookie had a baby with a teenage father? Who gives a rat's sass? It's strange to think we've gotten to the point where the lives of strangers are more important than our own.  May I suggest you spend that energy learning to quilt- those ladies know the very best gossip.  So, let's agree.  Privacy is important unless you are the one gossiping about yourself. In this industry I might even consider it self promotion.  As for  happy gossip it's just fine by me- but let's keep it on the sunny side of the street.

9/14/2012 12:17:53 am

"Privacy is non-negotiable." - Jackie O

On set BFF :)
9/14/2012 01:10:12 am

Very well said, and so relevant to our daily lives working in this industry! I really appreciate it, and on behalf of all of the ones who have been gossiped about, thank you for putting this out there. :) xo


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