This is the scariest question I get asked every time I meet someone new.  I sit there and wonder how to answer.  Scrolling through my brain for the most accessible and/or acceptable answer.  In all the pretend conversations I have with myself on a daily basis, I always forget this is the one that needs the most work. I am always meeting new people, some of them I meet at work though, so they never ask me...Well they ask me what ELSE I do, cause no one can sustain themselves by acting alone.  For them I have many well rehearsed but still cockeyed responses. The problem I have is with everyone else asking.  Cut to a nice girl or inquisitive boy struggling to make conversation with the socially awkward me...   
  "So, what do you do?" Suddenly the world's magnetiscope shifts to me, I begin to perspire, my bones quake, and all I can think about is how my Mama looks forward to the day when I settle down and open a restaurant (which I think is way more stressful than acting).  The seconds tick by and a gurgle of response starts building. Ultimately, I sell myself short.  But legitimately, what do I do? I mean I Do a lot of different things, but is the questioner really asking what I do to pay my bills or what I do because no one pays me?  The things I do because I want to?  I guess that's a question for them, why are you asking what I do? Because it's a question you know with an answer longer than "yes"? Or because society has taught us that a person is what they do? Instead of what they eat, which kinda stinks, cause I would like to be a peach for a few sunshiny days. I try never to ask what a person does, cause even though I am very nosy, I find most things people do boring.  And I don't mean I find most people boring, 'cause I love people, I just find 78% of jobs to be soul sucking and time consuming and resent filling for most people.            
   A perfect example, let's look at the GO Train at rush hour.  There isn't a smile on board, no conversations (which I thought surely there would be, Hello: Train 48, which was one of my dirty little secrets) no one sings or solves mysteries to the dining car, just a bunch of commuters pretending to sleep.  If that is any indication of what those people Do, I don't want to do it.  I want to go bopping down the street with Jilly on a Thursday afternoon, belting out Karmin and know that I worked on me today.  
"So, what do you do?"  I do ME, I am a liver of life (though I am not sure liver can be a verb), I am a goal oriented me-aholic.  Is that an acceptable answer? As I am apt to do, I answer my own question, "yes".
3/22/2012 06:18:11 am

I too loathe that question. I prefer what is it that makes you happy in life? I do not believe that a job defines me, although many people do! Wow someone else that watched Train 48, now I know of two of us!

3/26/2012 03:49:51 am

I hate that question too...but love your ideas on how to respond to it!
xo Cathy


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