This having a full time job thing is really cutting into quite a few of my preferred activities.  Like hanging out, hanging out with friends, hanging out with my dog, you know important things.  What having a full time job is great for is spreading the news.  You know that news really does spread, New York, NEEEW Yooork.  Sorry, tangent*refocusing hand.  The problem is; I am not used to knowing what's happening in the world.  I mean hearing it all.  Floods and fires and shootings oh my.  That's not even to say that whole southern cannibalism thing or foot in the mail business.  

  It can't be a coincidence that the world is going a bit crazy this year can it?  That the four horsemen of the apocalypse are starting to saddle up and ride around our over populated world the way the Mayans predicted? Do you remember partying like it was 1999? Thinking that computers were going to implode and/or take over the world because they had never changed over a century.  Well, that was one hell of a weird time too.  People buying water, batteries, generators and stockpiling basements; as if it would really help.  What did we think was really going to happen...oh right, we didn't know.  That was the problem.

  Now, let's talk Toronto this past week.  There was a shooting in the Eaton's Centre with 8 injured and 1 dead.  Rumour has it; it was gang related.  And not to seem insensitive but that relieves me, I am slightly less horrified than I would be if it were a run of the mill psychopath who merely wanted to murder some mall shoppers.  I feel awful for the injured parties.  I also feel bad for the people who work at the mall, as it's been closed for investigation until further notice.  Most of those part time employees don't have insurance to cover the lost wages.  

  The Union super flood? Let's break that down for a sec.  It rained so hard and so fast that our Toronto transit couldn't keep the 3 lowest subways from flooding.  They were closed the better part of the day.  A system that people rely on to get them around the city, what's supposed to be the Better Way flooded like the lower decks of the Titanic.  People running for their lives, again...Anybody else see a problem here? Oh, and what goes hand in glove with flood? Fire; that's what.  The Ontario forest fires to be exact.  The rain was needed to quench that; but Ontario's largest city got it instead.  I heard estimates of rain as high as 60 cm...which I think is impossibly high, but my meteorology is a bit rusty.

  As for the CDC releasing a statement to the effect that: Hey everybody, it's not a Zombie outbreak.  It seems strange that we were worried it was.  I will expand on this further, you better believe that we'll talk Zombie Infestation plan soon.  But for now let's just glean.  Okay, so of all the monsters in the whole wide range of monsters; humans are by far the scariest.  Especially humans with a cannibalistic disease that can't be tested for or tracked.  That's scary. People eating people, and more and more often.  It's just a matter of time before human meat becomes the ultimate in eating locally:$

  Alright, alright.  Maybe I've seen one too many end of days movie; but it's typically the guy with the conspiracy theory that cracks the code (or dies first).  So, maybe I should pick up a coulpe cases of water, some batteries, a shot gun and a good pair of running shoes.  Or maybe I should loosen my tin foil hat and take a deep breath.  Then again, it never hurts to be prepared.
6/5/2012 03:06:33 am

You left out the bad news. Peter Kent as Environment minister, John Baird in Foreign Affairs, and then there is mayor Ford. Get some HoHo's in yer bunker. S


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