Okay, okay, that's a made up word. But it has an implied meaning; so even though you've never heard it before you understand it.  Which is a strange way to think of language but it's a great way to think about communication.  Aww, you know what I mean. How many times a day do you hear someone say that? And you do know what they mean, somehow your brain makes the call.  Having collected all the crucial communication information. The speaker, the topic and the time. These factors clean up sloppy lines of communication.  So, let the conversation satisfication begin.

   While spending some much needed time kissing tha'Babe, I couldn't help but see how little talking was required for me to understand exactly what she meant.  Most of the time it was just small talk, but I would think that's even harder for an 8 month old.  As we grow up we forget how to communicate on the basic human level. Please don't take this to mean we should start crying, throwing things and screaming to get our points across-though for some of us it's too late.  Instead consider that a wink and smile can go a long way in all languages.

  With instant communication at our fingertips. We are infinitely connected and all within arms reach. These little devices being constantly forgotten, causing heart attacks and anxiety. Most of us suffering from a severe case of the where is it?Oh there it is. Phew-itis. It's hard to comprehend how we could loose track of  how important and special those names, places and photos really are.  I remember the social calls.  The teenage hour long conversations.  The ringing doorbell. The playdates.  And the Sunday check-ins.  In my pocket I have all the information I could ever want.  Dates, times and events all collected in one tiny hand held horcrux; communicating has never been easier.  Though the digital siren's call is a tough one to ignore.  It is my goal to put down my fruity apendage and really stay connected.  And even if I can't peel it off; I will never underestimate the power of a smile.  Now, that's what I call satisfication. Oh, you know what I mean.

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