There are 364 Un-birthdays, un-birthdays every year. Well, today is not an un-birthday. Today is Hubby's special day. And trust me it's tough to have your birthday so very close to Christmas, even if you are over 30*insert foot stomp. But the biggest problem I have with this time of year? Hubby buys his own presents. He picks them and purchases them sometime in the summertime. Promising me he only wants this one thing for his birthday and this one thing for Christmas. Am I glad he bought himself a hover board? Yes, and No. Yes, I'm happy that he's gonna get something he really wants. No, I'm unhappy that I didn't get to pick out something especially for him. No, because I don't really want a hover board until it really hovers on water. No, because birthdays aren't supposed to be preordered and in the mail 7 months before the actual day. No, because I can't afford to give him another gift after he's given them to himself. It has been 4 years since I have bought my Hubby a gift, for Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary or Because it's Tuesday. And on this day; his birthday it makes me sad.

Considering the many gift giving foibles I have exhibited in the past, it is understandable that Hubby may be cautious about getting a gift lemon. But, I have gotten much better. For example, I am cheap. I am forgetful. I am bad with dates. It's taken many baby steps to tiptoe away from those not so awesome qualities. Like, my all in one daily planner, notification system and life coach that now fits nicely into my pocket. There is no longer an excuse for forgetting birthdays. I have been working my butt off and I'm trying to worry a little less about money. I mean, I still want to make sure that the gifts have implied value. That the gift I am giving is precious to the receiver. Keeping it special for the birthday boy or girl or Xmas lister, I try to remember inside jokes or something mentioned in passing. Giving a great gift is tough, but I'd still like to try.

The giver/receiver relationship is a special one. It is a chance for the giver to prove themselves. Prove they've listened, that they know the receiver, that they thought about it. They become a proven entity. But the receiver really is the lucky one, they get to feel that surprise of something special, the wonder of the details and the work put into the gift by the giver, they get to feel celebrated and loved. They develop a grateful nobility. Growing up I was taught to wait for the special day. Plan of course, send your letter to Santa or the Birthday Squirrel. The rule was we weren't allowed to buy anything for ourselves in the 2 months leading up any gift giving day. Though, I guess Hubby hasn't technically broken that rule, as he bought his gift 7 months ago. Anyhow, I wish the Happiest of Days to my loving Hubby, please consider this blog your gift. But next year, it's Wifey's Choice.

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