So when I was 17 I fell hard for Keanu Reeves. That is I loved him hard, briefly between Joe of NKOTB and that guy from 21 Jumpstreet that wasnt Johny Depp and Jean Claude- the muscles from Brussels. I mean I saw everything he was ever in. Everything. And the film that sprang to mind is one that I can barely remember: Chain Reaction. What I really remember about it, other than Morgan Freeman and Keanu being overweight, was the caption. Written in white font that looked like it was moving quickly across the bottom of the poster. 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.' at the time I thought it was a catchy line. Turns out that it's some pretty solid science stuff too. Equals and opposites. Surprise.

  Like for example: 
Negative: I always have sand in my shoes 
Positive: My feet are soft and complimented by my pedicurist.  

Negative: My dog is super picky about who she likes 
Positive: makes me feel better that she likes me 

Negative: things cost money 
Positive: right now I have some. Not a lot, but enough to afford a douch bag coffee with 16 ingredients

Negative: the Commissioner has been hanging around a lot lately
Positive: I get bonus points for putting up with him that I am saving to put towards a nice peice of jewellry. Hear that Hubby? Saving my patience points

Negative: my Puppa is pooping a lot, because of some new treats she's eating 
Positive: I am not sure yet. But I am hoping for a big payoff, as I am pretty sure we are the only ones in the neighborhood who pick up their dog's fecal matter, cuz it's everywhere. C'mon people. That's gross.

Negative: I am nervous about the drop on Leviathan. I have yet to hear anyone speak of it. Especially if it's raining.
Positive: I get to stand in line for an hour waiting for a chance to scream my guts out, and I haven't screamed in a long time- I am interested to know if I still can.

Negative: my abductors are killing me from my new arial class
Positive: I am taking an arial class

Negative: It's Thursday of my holiday and I have already made too many plans for this two weeks.
Positive: that's awesome. Plans rock. Even the boring ones can turn wicked, no matter how lame they might seem. Ha!

    I guess Keanu was right about one thing. It's all gnarly,  rad and totally excellent. A delicate balance that keeps us all craddled is important. And now, for midnight tacos- which is all positive baby:)

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