Willowing in the darkness that daylight savings brings
Hibernation drawing nearer

The hours and days gliding by on tracks, preventing diversion
Eliminating adventure, restricting exploration
Temperamental weather covering the hard pan dirt
Packed down into pathways 

Wrapping us in single servings of loneliness
The darkness highlights the breath escaping warmed bodies
Visible in the early darkness 
Streetlights haloed in the mists of nightfall 

A tight hunched stance to protect from the elements
Pink cheeks burnt with the bite of another screaming wind
Warm noses chilled with the icy touch of bitterness

Leaves left and gone, given up
Tired from the effort of holding on

Finding comfort in the comforter 

Wringing with the near winter chill
Hot chocolate ringing my dear's darkest ills
The winter's pill swallowed for another long season

Sleep's long fingers inviting 
Beckoning, bleating 
Their wooly warmth fleeting 

Shadows and shivers stretching along our length
Savings with nothing to bank 
A necessary lightness withheld

Unsprung and undercover we wait
Lured by the comfort of our love
Warmth wishing us well for another long hazy winter

Tucked sweetly in the loving arms of Mother Nature
Awaiting the sweet gentle bounce of green bursting through brown and grey
The spring of another celebratory summer waiting to unwrap us gently 

But for now the long winter's embrace enfolds us
A chilling reminder of summer's quick step 
We wait, ever patient, we'll wait 

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