I am a homebody.  It's not a surprise, my parents are homebodies like their parents before them.  Not to mean we're hermits, we're just more comfortable being at home, entertaining at home, and just plain living there.  When we're not rushing, planning and executing tasks; we're resting at home in comfy pants- regenerating for the next excursion.  But by the time you read this I will be on vacation.  Finally.  It's great.  It has been a long time since I went somewhere with my Hubby.  And it's amazing what packing for a change of physical location can do to your personal perspective.  I don't mean in an "Ohhh it's so amazing there" way, though it is.  I mean it in an "oooh I can't let anybody see me like that" type way.  I realized half-way through my pack that I was only bringing the things I save for fancy time.  I was packing that new dress I haven't worn and the emergency Spanx to ensure maximum new dress output.  I was packing nicest jinkies, best under-ware, cutest shoes.  I wanted Montreal to see me at my best, not what I would wear on a Staycation....

  With this though, as with everything else; it snowballs.  So new dress, means matching shoes, tiny clutch purse, jewellery and complimentary earrings.  Cute shoes mean blister pads and in the worst case scenario; muscle cream.  Also best undies, doesn't necessarily mean most comfy.  This exercise encourages me to take stock of the items going into the suitcase; it also allows for quiet reflection upon the reasons to leave certain others behind.  I didn't choose those undies, cuz the elastic sucks and they fall down...Wait, since realizing that before putting them on in the dark, why don't I just end this uncomfortable relationship now.  So, I did...And it felt great. *insert 20 min whirlwind wardrobe culling.  Feeling a grand sense of accomplishment rush over me; I went the the lavatory to pack my toiletries and had the same situation.  So I rinsed and sterilized my makeup brushes, married up my part bottles of creams, washes and spritzes, threw out the deodorant that only had enough stick left to scratch my armpit.  But I wasn't satisfied there. New toothbrushes and razors were tagged in. Almost empty containers that were WAY too old and expired makeup was also thrown out.  It's amazing how far you can see when you're not blocked by piles of old crap.  

  This brings me to paragraph the third entitled; I intervened myself and didn't have to go on Hoaders.  As bad as I ever really got, I didn't have to worry about that.  Though there are times when it's not that hard to see crazy from here.  I joke, but people really can be so consumed by things that they forget all the little pretty moments that happen everyday.  Like getting to wear your cute shoes and going on a mini break.  Taking a deep breath and letting it out and maybe it smells like garbage, but maybe it smells like honeysuckle or fresh baked bread.  So, on this vacation, I am going to enjoy my under flaunted fancy things and breathe.  Celebrating a wonderful change of location, a chance to hang with my Hubby and not just the Commish, wearing my top shelf clothes and going for a walk to who knows where in a city that doesn't speak my language. I might get a blister or two, but those will just act as reminders of my trip when I get home and have to be plain-old-home-body me again.  I tell you though, I am looking forward to those comfy pants:)

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