Isn't it amazing how quickly vacation ends and real life begins again? A few days away and just as I start relaxing; it's over.  On my mini break I met a new double-fab try hard like me. It's odd my try hard Hubby thinks that trying hard is a downfall. I keep thinking that a try hard is who I am, so I might as well try hard to be good at it.  I try to get people to like me. I try hard to get people participating. I am a try hard.  I never thought anything of it. I just like to be the top of every list. Scholarly, athletics, social- I try to be the best. I try hard. And those people are the people I gravitate to. Surprise! Try hards are the people who are the most fun, the smartest the most athletic and the most social. Hubby says he hates try hards, but most of his favs are try hards. Par example- that's French for; for example- Danny DeVito, Fred Savage and moi- that's more French; for me! Okay, I mean, I hope I'm one of his favourites? Sometimes though I know I kick myself outta the top 3 by being a one occasionally does. My new top 3 includes a hat enthusiast, a hat obsessionist, and though not in attendance still the world's best BFF.   

So 2 out of my top 3 favs and I spent the day:

1. In deep space with me having to pee so badly, I pulled the escape pod.

2. Underneath 80 years of hats.

3. In our own Montreal brewery with $10 onion rings.

Toss in tequila, lox and bagels and you've got our day.  Pretty much the best afternoon ever. 

    So on my last afternoon in Montreal, we ended up drunker than I'd hoped to be after going on 2 brewery tours followed by a pulled duck poutine. What Hubby referred to as the perfect french meal. I was worried about losing said poutine on the plane and still having to get up in time for my way too early shuttle to the work in 1900. My worried sweats were encouraged by humidity and polyester. In trying to achieve a certain fashionable status in Montreal, I brought my expensive looking cheap stuff, instead of what they wear there; which is expensive fabrics, in cheap designs. Cottons and linens vs polyethalene, stryrene or any other rene- I think we know who wins. For all my trying, I still failed. Epic-ly. Sad pathetic, little country-via-Toronto girl. You looked nice when you left your air conditioned b&b, but your hair has since melted, you sweat off all your makeup and broke out before you got to your first destination. Good luck to Montreal. I don't know how the french do it, cuz its too Rich for me- in every sense of the word. But I tried,oh Rod, I tried.  What someone should have told me upon hearing that I was heading to Montreal was: pack 1 cotton sundress that you can wring out at the end of the day- cuz it's hot as baldy- I am not sure what that means but my Momma has said it forever. 
  As for Montreal itself?  What's strange is: 

1. Most Montrealers speak 2 languages, but you can tell they only want to speak one. And its not the one I speak. 

2.  The airport is 3/4 of a journey from downtown and when you get there you still have to ask directions. It can cost you $8- 40.

3. The amount of children under 8 attending Star Wars Identities.

4. All of Old Montreal is new businesses.
   What a strange and fabulous place. I would recommend it, if you're going for something specific, like the Jazz festival or Just for Laughs. But have a plan. That will ensure the Commissioner can have a good time. And if not- ask for Le Latino, a tequila infused beer and no matter who you're with you'll have a great time.  Montreal: I had to double shampoo the humidity out of my hair and brush my teeth twice, but I finally felt like I was home again. Hazzah, comfy pants await.
6/20/2012 12:03:28 pm

Glad you had fun. Montreal is my favorite Canadian city. Cause they arent followers. The roads are atrocious and getting worse. The drivers, same same. Aaaand, what I really like is that Burlington Vermont is only 2 hrs south, my favorite city in the USA


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