I'm a try hard. I put the extra effort in at all times. Hoping to optimize what I got:) Being the friend, a friend would like to have. Being the person I want people to talk about at my funeral. Being nice, even when it's hard. Sitting up straight. Helping others.  I am a goodie goodie, a try hard. I change the toilet paper in the public washrooms. I don't litter, ever.  I try hard to make every time the best time.  The world would be a much nicer place if we all tried a little bit harder.  So let's try hard together:)

  Let me explore the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, he yells at strangers and wants to throw things and stomp his feet. Now, that doesn't seem like a nice way to live.  How can that be better for the world around us? By yelling at a stranger you are actually fanning the selfish fire. Now I think that people are generally good, though they do need some 'parenting' more often than they should. Or maybe a 'Galinda-ing' a gentle-sparkly-pink-witch reminder to stay on the yellow brick road...What's the saying? You get more flies with funny. So maybe if the Commissioner found a sparkly way to tell others he was disappointed, he'd feel like he was winning a lot more. Instead of getting angry and blowing his top at the people who are following the Commissioner's Regulations.

  Hubby is convinced I try too hard to make people like me.  I say it's not just about people liking me; which, I can admit, is a happy side effect, it's about people liking themselves. I pick up the tab & I join in, I give praise and props.  I smile and listen when people talk.  I am an eager participant in people's lives.  I remember names and partners and their recent trials.  Those things are important.  I think it's everyone's job to listen to everyone. It is your universal duty to humanity to make the people around you feel better. Or at least help them try. Especially people who are making tough decisions.  It's important to recognize that those decisions are hard, but it's not our place to opinion them to death.  It is our job to support the fact that they made the decision in the first place.  A highly commendable skill.  Making a decision and sticking to it, requires gumption.  A quality that seems to be lacking in our day-to-day bally-hoo.  So, I give compliments and courtesy- without reciprocal expectation. I hold the door and thank myself.  Building up your friend points. Being the change you want to see in the world. It really is important. Not just for our friends. But everyone. Karmically speaking you're supposed to try. Even though it's a lot of fun being a jerk. 

  Being good isn't hard, it just takes awareness. Take this guy sitting next to me on the bus for example; he needn't jab me with his newspaper, but does anyway.  And instead of realizing he's hurting me; he red this blog entry over my shoulder, huffed and moved seats. Wouldn't it just be easier to be nice? Apparently not; he telegraphs to me across the bus aisle. But I smile and continue to give my best.  This goodie two shoes is trying to dance through life, but it's hard to hear the beat over all the yelling:$
7/17/2012 09:09:13 pm

this is awesome & true!


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