Growing up my Momma convinced herself (and the rest of us) that making our costumes was a cost effective and easy way of celebrating a devious holiday. But every year we'd get to the day before the School Halloween Parade and those costumes wouldn't be ready. Then, it was crunch time.  Frantically breaking out the markers and glue gun...  Taking short cuts and crossing fingers that the safety pins would hold. Side note: This was typical of bake sales, science projects and term papers too.  Now, it was not entirely Momma's fault we didn't finish our costumes early. She's always been a busy lady and as a family unit we're not great at prioritizing, except by which project is the most fun.  Which explains a few things about my genetic inclination towards procrastination. But you can't call it procrastination if you're too busy doing other things. 

   The most memorable costumes my Bro and I had growing up include, but are not limited to: Robin Hood, Black & White Harlequin clown, Lydia from Beetlejuice, 3 years in a row being a blue FryGuy, Beaten up Robin Hood, and an 'I don't do mornings' lady with slippers and bathrobe, curlers in her hair, Cup a'joe and green overnight mask.   

   In our family though, there is always one clear winner.  Drum roll please, and the award for the Best Worst costume goes to my Bro as the Orange masked- nun chuck whipping Pre-teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle- as he was only 8. He was covered head to toe in green with an orange face paint mask cuz at that point masks had been deemed unsafe for children.  The kicker though?  My Papa B (infamous for his sheet ghost costume) fashioned a homemade shell and being a woodworker; choose wood.  Forgetting a giant wooden shell might throw all 45lbs of 8 year old Bro off kilter. But Bro being so excited for Halloween, gave that hulking shell his most valiant effort. An attempt that his rat Sensei would've been proud of. More than once he toppled over backwards, splayed and unable to flip himself over, in typical turtle fashion. It wasn't many houses before my teeny Bro collapsed under the shell's weight, my Papa B and I doubled over with laughter, de-shelled my teeny-weeny Bro.  Exposed the way he was, my Bro was determined to continue his trick or treating.  Without a shell he was transformed into a Pre-teenage Mutant Nun-chucking Slug. Not as intimidating, but just as green. You know, I think we still have that shell, maybe he could go out this year as a turtle, though that Weeny is still only 78 lbs full grown;) Here's hoping your Halloween is flippin' awesome! 

P.S. If you've never seen my Bro's mad fuk-coo skills, they're really something. 
10/30/2012 08:29:44 pm

What wonderful memory my sweet pea - made me laugh till I cried. So the store opening is Friday and I still need to hang and price inventory and I am still in Halifax - what?? It never ends - I think I have a science project due......

Not the Momma
10/30/2012 09:26:20 pm

It was fridge crate cardboard and 20 coats of laquer. Its holding up the bar-b-q in the back yard. That's the same year he got 'raisins'

Melicious Manners
10/30/2012 09:28:40 pm

But he hates Raisins!

The bro
10/31/2012 12:01:54 pm

Omg I loved that costume. And remember
The giant wooden psy' and pizza cutter that
My teacher deemed "unsafe" as I practiced on my friends?!?


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