Mother's Day is Sunday May 13th.  What have you got planned? Is it something special enough to give to the woman who carried you around all those years? The physical carrying, the emotional carrying and the financial burden that you are?  Have you thought about her, I mean really thought about what she gave you? My mother is an apple tree.  A giving tree I fell from.

   They say you can't avoid becoming your mother.  That makes sense, she is the woman I've lived with the longest and we're related.  My mother's mother was a Lady, except for stepping on all those ducks and creaking floorboards*insert fart joke here.  I am a proud third generation lady.  Every time my Grandma Far would visit, my Momma would go on a warpath of housecleaning and general fretting.  Now, my childhood house was never dirty; but I am my mother's daughter and we like to pile- especially papers- they pile amazingly.  So, when G'ma Far arrived there was no mess in the house, though G'ma often cleaned the oven; just to keep busy.  When my Momma visits my grown up home, I am go on the same rampage; hiding piles in drawers and dusting every surface- the difference? My oven is self cleaning.

  My Momma was OCD about finding all the toy set pieces. Counting them before they went back into the box.  Which paid off, because now we have full sets of almost vintage toys.  She was adement about no elbows on the table, which helped me with posture and decorum.  She was determined to stop me from biting my nails, and did so using the world's strong drug- vanity.  The person I am is because of my Momma.  She is the strongest and most tender leader I have ever met.  Her grace and dignity in the face of adversity are truly something to wonder at.  But so is the blinding light of her rage- a halley's comet passing with a serious aftershock. Brief, beautiful and horrifying.

    People love her.  I mean, LOVE her.  She attracts the attentions of the lost, lonely and confused; helping them see the brighter side of things.  The attention she gives to each person, makes them feel special.  She listens, really listens.  In the last 5 years I have seen my Momma blossom; becoming a pillar of the community.  She was voted Citizen of the Year, is now an elected Town Councillor and the Grand Dame in charge of Everything (a self appointed position).   I have that quality too; I know that no matter what, I could do a better job than- that guy... the only problem? I don't know when I reach my limit. *insert Ah-ha moment.

   The fact that I love her as much as I do, I wish I could do something uber-special for her.  Something grand and extravagant.  To thank her for some of my quirks and qualities.  There are also things I want to give back to her; like my plucking addiction. In the whole wide world; she is in my top 2 favourite people.  I look forward to her rushing me off the phone because she's heading out the door to something.  Being late because there was just one last thing she had to do.  And waiting for the time she promised to me, which is often double booked.  She's a busy woman; but I know how that works- cause I am a busy woman too.  So, spanks Momma; well for most of it.  And THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU for the rest.  I am ready to carry you, if you need a break.
5/11/2012 01:23:28 am

When is daughter's day - I will need to post a wonderful tribute to you!!! Better yet - I love you to the moon and back 10 times

5/11/2012 11:37:02 am

A wonderful tribute to an amazing mom! Yep, she is all that you said and more! We DO become our mother's but I think that just shows how great our mom's truly are..,and their mom's were and so on throughout the generations of our families. Great blog Melissa and great mom you have there!


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