Dear Opportunity,
  I heard you were here and I missed you. I am sad to say that I was looking forward to catching up,  it seems like so long since I've seen or even heard from you.  There are so many things I wanted to tell you, for example, have you heard that I started a blog? It's not very good yet, but I am hoping that if I actually just started doing it I would get better.  This opinion could be horribly wrong and it probably is, but I keep telling other people that they should just shut up and do it, so that's what I am going to do. Well, not the shutting up part, the doing it part.  
   The uke playing is coming along nicely, it is such a dainty little demon in my hands.  Strumming Betty (to which I lovingly refer her) creates a sense of an island vacation, though sometimes it sounds like it's screaming as it hurtles down a flight of antique stairs, but that's because it's old. Not that I'm ageist, but poor Betty is a senior citizen, a crotchety old woman, who is equal parts stubborn and rewarding.  
   Onto Jilly, she's still asleep since the last time we spoke.  Somehow, that beast manages to bury herself in a cavern of our stacked pillows.  Burrowing deeper into sleep, and weaving her fur into the soft fabric of our bedding creating a prickly night time canine-reminder, as though her snoring and deep sleep chases aren't enough.  Lucy is good. She has taken up asylum underneath my dresser, which has been recently excavated, which brings me to spring cleaning.
  Here we go! Oh dust, dirt and animal hair, I find you it every corner of our tiny Toronto abode.  Jammed into corners,  woven into rugs and saturating blankets.  Making fresh washed socks look like wooly 7 day dust bunnies, but the swiffer and dyson seem up to the task of apartment shaving, when I am.  Spring cleaning this year includes culling my wardrobe, and removing the surprising amount of shirts and pants with various stains on them, that I was apparently saving "to paint in", though I have no idea what I thought I would be painting and for how long, I can only imagine from this extensive wardrobe that it would be Sistine-like.  Also, joining my painting clothes are the "garage towels"- for what condo-car-port calamity was I saving them? What projects did I think I would undertake that I would require a wrecked wardrobe of such magnitude?  Regardless, it is a gift to be able to close my dresser drawers.  The dresser excavation is another story, I retired 2 pairs of boots, one bright but leaky and another dark and split open, sending them to a better place* hopefully with a new sealant.  I will "miss" them all but I think it will be a smoother track for my drawers to glide, and ease is something I should strive towards.
  Opportunity, I would now like to take this chance to invite you back for a visit.  I know I have made progress and you promised if I kept my head down and worked hard, you would come and see me again soon.  I look forward to it, though I can no longer help you paint your living room, is that gonna be a problem?

3/1/2012 02:08:23 am


catherine labate
3/1/2012 02:20:23 am

great blog! I love it. keep it coming my talented friend.


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