Everyone hates you when you're happy.
   I am a freaking ray of sunshine. I am a smiley, giggly happy go lucky lady.  I want to see the best in people; even in people who aren't anywhere near their best.  But you know, some people just aren't happy until they're unhappy.  It is amazing to watch negativity spread like a virus. As I am immune to most strains I feel it is my scientific duty to explore it's effects on others.  A task I believe should come with hazard pay.

  One of the world's deadliest outbreaks of negativity must be the First World Worker Commute- both going to and coming home from work. Whether in a car, subway or on a bike the viral strains vary but the symptoms are the same. Aggression, impatience and projection.  These symptoms have many side effects. Which include but are not limited to huffing a sigh of irritability, honking horns, loud complaining, tirade Facebook status updates and general gloominess.  These symptoms and oh so many more are highly contagious; infecting others with a negativity sore. And let's be honest, nobody likes viral puss. 

 The negativity epidemic is nothing new but the way we infect and combat the symptoms is changing.  The virus literally travels virally through internet connections and smart phones, infecting people originally immune to one another's discord.  We share the good but revel in the bad. Tragedy and pain a mainstay in our shared information and the blatant disregard for the feelings of others (including strangers) becoming common practice. Your virus effects others, you should be taking precautions.  

 There's a woman at work who's mad because she's usually Miss Sunshine and I stole her thunder, or I guess I gave her thunder.  And though her infection is minor, if left untreated it could spread to her sunny side. Which would be a shame. I feel like those who've managed to stay positive, especially in this business, should help create an antidote, not submit to the negative infection. It's a sad turn of events for a woman who's come so far fighting against this plague.  I think she has forgotten that every little ray of sunshine helps; even if you aren't the brightest.  Negativity can be a debilitating disease without hope.  People suffering with it will wonder what your angle is. Why are you being so kind, so optimistic, so generous? And I say I am taking Vitamin Glee and Oil of Original to fight off my Negativity infection, though I wish there was more I could prescribe. 

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