Everybody I know is looking for a little Me time.  You'd think that with all the blah blah about timesaving this and yak yak about efficiency that, we'd actually have some time left over.  When I started working in this industry I sent and received faxes. Snail mail was how I was paid my commissions. Now we have email transfers and texts. Even just typing those words saves time. So, where does all that extra time go?  

  I can choose a digital playlist. Send evites and order decorations online for a party; that no one has time to come to.  I can search recipes and movie reviews for food I don't have time to cook and movies I don't have time to watch.  Research a new fitness regime? Start a collection? Stalk a superstar cyberly? Yup I can do all those things online, but I can't actually find time to do anything in my real life.  Zoinks! Then it hit me. I am spending all my Me time online planning for Me time. Oh what a Melicious cycle.

 Join me in celebrating the realization that my Me time can be uploaded to real life. Suddenly I have found 2 free hours. When hubby is at work.  When the house is quiet and Jilly is excited to snug.  A Me time quiet enough to read, but awake enough that I won't fall asleep after 2 pages. A Me time with a rejuvenating face mask and newly painted little piggies.  Me time with a chitchat and chinwag with my Besties. But by the sounds of it my Me time is quickly filling up. If you're interested in finding some You time; Please submit your application for Me time. I look forward to considering your nomination and seeing a happier You, with bright new digits:)

11/8/2012 08:43:41 pm

I so appreciated you & Amber spending some of your me time with me last weekend. We never seem to do enough of it my darling girl. Love you XXOO


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