If you know my Hubby, you know how he feels about superheroes.  Specifically, Superman, the Man of Steel, the Kryptonian from Kansas.  If you know me, you know I can hold my own when it comes to superhero showdowns. I know the differences between Heroes, Vigilantes and Anti-Heroes.  And when it comes to a heated debate of Good VS Evil, I know all the players and they're powers. The real question is with all this backstory; what would my super power be and how would I choose to use it. 

   I think I would choose to be an alien, as most of the time I feel like I don't belong anyhow. Which is often its own superpower. Different is good. But I am that already... 

  Telekenetics and telepathy are both solid skill sets.  But there might be an internal conflict with knowing the thoughts and motivations of every unprotected cranium. So the idea of those powers might be nicer than the actual ability.

   Maybe I'd like the ability to manipulate time and space- or have access to advanced technology that would allow for time travel.  With the understanding that a time machine can also travel to locations simultaneously in current time. Though once time is altered it splits realities and changes destiny and  the outcomes of everyone and thing involved in the conflict. Which is a lot of pressure, knowing what can and should be changed, only to change it making it worse, only to change it again, and again...you get the idea.

    I guess there is a reason that heroes are heroes. It is a tough decision to make not to screw anything up worse than it already was.  And having a super power gives many opportunities to not be so super.  What I do wish is that there were more real heroes taking care of those who can't help themselves.  Also can I just say, it ticks me off that Clark Kent has a better job than I do, and that's not even his REAL job. Sigh, Wait, is jealously a super power?That's it! I will be the Green Eyed Vixen, though I can't help but think that sounds more like a villain... But villains really are misunderstood heroes...right?

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