This blog would be so much easier. Right? Follow around a dude who solves mysteries and I give my own account of what happened, sans Sherlock brain. My life is so dull sometimes. Though, I don't long for the gravity of the adventures Sherlock embarks upon. Murders, blackmail, kidnapping and I want to pretend to do them. In a world where everything is planned and weighted and done by a stunt coordinator first. I want the made up adventures.

   I want very much to be significantly more adventurous. The thing that worries me, is that if I was that adventurous, I wouldn't worry. But I do. Which makes me a Watson. Les sigh.  Now, don't get me wrong. I make a great sidekick. I am the best 1960's Robin. I am a fantastic Tonto. But I don't want to be just a Girl Friday. Sometimes I want to take down the bad guy...but without all that pesky danger stuff. Might that be arranged? I want to be brave in the least threatening situation. Match point Watson. 

  The great thing about a relationship like that?  If Sherlock didn't need him for something, he wouldn't be there. The dynamic only works when they work together! Don't you see the pattern?  Every Sherlock must have a Watson. Every Guy, had a standup Gal. There's a hand for every glove type thing. Like in tha'Movies. Things move in groups and pairs. Every single one meaning something special to the other. A world of support systems. Spanning a lifetime. What a fabulous feeling; to be part of something so perfect. Or at least it could be , if we we're all a little more Watson sometimes.

P.S. Don't even get me started on Benny, he's the world's best Sherlock:) Mmmhmmm. No offense RDJr.

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