Looking at my demographics on google analytics (a complicated algorithm I am slowly, very slowly learning to read), I am now aware that most of you live in Toronto, unless we're related and you live in Fergus or St. Thomas.  As most of my readers- or at least clickers are from Canada, and Ontario specifically, I thought it appropriate to make a list of First world problems I have had.  But first, what's a first world problem you ask? Oh darling, please believe me when I say they aren't really problems at all, mostly slight inconveniences that I have experienced or thought about, that if they were the worst thing that happened to you in a less civilized country, you would consider yourself lucky.
  • In a rush and I get the one cabbie who doesn't break the law
  • 10,000 remotes and I still can't turn anything on
  • I assumed the clocks at my new house were set 10 mins fast like my old house now I am just on time
  • I spent the first snooze worrying about my alarm wouldn't go off, snooze 2 & 3 were much more relaxing 
  • WFT You screwed up nachos!?!?
  • These poo bags aren't scented
  •  I decided to wear my good leggings- but I'm worried I'll ruin them
  • How many opportunities can I miss without a 3G connection 
  • Canine anal bleaching?
  • I am going to start calling myself Slim, and hope that it catches on
  • Does chewing gum for 20 mins or eating Mint Areo count as brushing your teeth?
  • My neighbour and his dog both got hair cuts this week. And now look the same. And I said so.
  • Why do things that look stupid alone look amazing in pairs?
  As you can see, none of these are really problems.  But for some reason or another I worried about them.  Though if you've ever had screwed up nachos, you know what I mean, it can ruin your whole week...If you let it.  SO, what's the point? Well, the point is, I am very lucky, you are very lucky, let's not sweat the small stuff and we'll all go have a drink somewhere with GREAT nachos.

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