While eating midnight tacos and splitting a Coke with my Hubby the pros and cons of eating vegetarian came up again. Pros: I feel better, I look better, it's better for the environment.   Cons: Bacon is delicious, I miss bacon.
We are foodies by definition, though I wish we had more time to cook for ourselves. Hubby is an especially great cook. He makes a mean spaghetti and a brilliant egg breakfast.  His sautéing skills have really blossomed. While enthralled in a conversation about our favourite foods, currently mine is Saag Paneer roti and Mexican, and stuffing our faces we stumbled upon a common question: What would you want for your last meal? Which brought up another question: If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? Which brought up another question: Is there a food that you would erase from the face of the Earth? Today at long last all these questions will be answered, please read on.

Last meal
  This is what you would choose if it was the last meal of your life. You may not be on death row cuz my impulse tells me I don't have a lot of inmates or future convicts in my readership but it's always good to be prepared.  As it's my last meal, and I won't have to deal with the consequences.  I will be having:
Steak Tartare with toast corners.
Kitchen sink salad- a salad I made up with loads of veggies on an arugula/Boston lettuce base with a light lime vinaigrette.
Roasted fingerling potatoes with ancient grainy mustard. 
Rainbow chard with garlic and lemon oil. 
Prime rib with Horseradish. Mmm hmmm 
And for dessert? Lemon meringue or Pavlova with fresh fruit- I say OR because both of those desserts are a challenge to get the foam just right. And perhaps something outside the standard jailhouse fare.

For the rest of your life
This category is for when you get trapped on a desert island with only one thing to eat.  Crates and crates of the same thing.  This example also exists in a world where you don't need all those fancy vitamins and minerals to have a happy healthy life. This desert island is a utopia despite the fact that you only get one meal forever.  So, with all that in mind, ideally I would like a taster platter with avocado, New Brunswick smoked salmon, sliced Ontario field tomatoes, red onion, spicy dills, toast corner and capers. But if you're playing this game with a purist like my Hubby, you must pick one thing... That's tougher.  He chose protein shakes- yuck.   For my crates and crates of one type of food to live on for the rest of my life: I might say Chex Mix because it's savoury and salty. It has many different textures and reminds me of all the things I've left behind to live on this lonely utopian island. Or I might say Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a sweet and crunchy meal- but would it include milk? I guess I'll have to wait until I am shipwrecked to find out.

This one was simple: Cream of turkey. A white gloppy nearly gravy gross not quite soup. My Papa B used to eat open faced white bread sandwiches for weeks after Thanksgiving or any other turkey serving holiday. Cream of turkey might be the reason I became predominantly herbivore. That plus the movie Babe. Who could eat ham after hearing that little stinker sing? 

   A good life deserves good food. That's an emotionally scientific fact.  Delicious meals can release all sorts of great things into your body. You know how they say all you need is love? Well, all I really need is a personal chef with a fully stocked pantry. And barring that a credit card with an available balance and some strategic reservations.

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