Being a good person and being a good friend are two very different things.  In my friendship circle, I have inner, mid-level, outer and occasional friends.  Rings like a bullseye. I have subconsciously divided up my free time between each ring.  I have also realized certain friends are better for certain things. Like my doggie park friend. My musical theatre friend. My chick flick buddy. Or the gossip girl.  I have a special connection with each member of every ring. But I didn't realize, I have a ring outside of that: The I wish we could be friends ring.

 That is a strange feeling. I consider myself a sweet and caring gal. A good friend, a nice neighbour, a loving wife. There are people who are so nice! So wicked! People who are super great, but for whatever reason, we can't be friends.  The reasons vary from conflicting schedules, allergies, distance and sometimes, though it's hard for me to admit- disinterest. There are people that no matter how nice, sweet and similar we are, we're just not friends.  This revelation comes as a stiff tonic. I thought I could be everybody's Bestie.

   With FB and social media connecting us so tightly we can often be confused as to whom our real friends are.   Clicking a button and participating in a relative stranger's  life.  Being busy adults we must take responsibility for the choices we've made. The fact that you know the daily trials of your grade 5 classmate's baby- doesn't necessarily mean you should invest daily in that relationship. Perhaps we should unplug ourselves for a few hours and focus on our realtime relationships.  But don't unplug from this blog, cuz I am your realtime friend:) and that's a circle I can get into.

11/7/2012 07:24:16 pm

So true. And so well written. I'll definitely unplug for a bit and focus on who is really there ;-)

11/8/2012 12:04:52 am

I'd like to apply for the position of bullseye. Where do I submit my credentials?

The Commissioner
11/8/2012 01:10:04 am

Back off BFF, the bullseye is mine.

11/8/2012 06:04:55 am

Fine! I'll concede the bull's eye but I get the bull. Green looks better on the me than red, anyway. At the very least, I want the triple ring of the 20!

Your call MM!


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