As most of you know, I am in love with life. I mean I love it so much, I want to ask life to go steady.  I try to love every single day. I love my girlfriends and I love talking and I love listening to myself talk to my girlfriends.  I walk around with a bounce in my step, usually singing at the top of my lungs... Here's the crux.  People hate seeing happy people... WHOA! What?  How does that even make any sense? Why would anybody hate someone who's happy?*insert someone whispering into my ear..Oh- cuz they aren't! Oh no, that's awful.  
  Okay, so let's get happy. Look out your window- there's a whole big world out there, and you're part of it.  Everyday so far the world has been turning, spinning and giving you a chance to be the person you want to be.  We are alive- and some of us are in pain, and some of us are lonely and some of us hate our jobs... But baby, keep your chin up! Cuz when you're smiling... The whole world smiles with you. A very good friend of mine, who I love-love, tends to get bogged down with worrying over the details.  Worry, worry, worry... and it stresses her out.  That stress about tomorrow distracts her from the today she's got.  Now, I know life is complicated, and that it's a delicate balancing act.  I am not trying to tell you not to worry. Worrying is an important part of life too, it just shouldn't dominate.  Look for the sunshine.  Look for the deep breaths.  Look for the laughter, and the patio afternoons.  Take advantage of your life. You have one shot at today, and you can choose how you see it.  
  Singing, dancing and laughing are staples of my daily life.  A day without dancing is a sad day.  I dance by myself, I dance without music.  It makes me happy.  Happiness is hard for a lot of people.  Happiness is something you need to work at.  It doesn't come naturally to everyone.  Do you have someone who helps you to be happy? Do you have a happy song? DO you have have happy feet in uncomfortable shoes?  Life happens every single day.  And there are good days, sad days, days that change us and simple sunny afternoons.  But today should be a day you're happy.  Have you laughed for no reason? It will make you feel better, trust me.  That's why you're here right?
  My day is a wicked one.  I plan on playing my uke on my teeny balcony, playing You don't know Jack by myself and getting Jilly's stitches out.  Now 2 of those 3 things are good, and 1 is great!   I plan on ukeing my nail polish off and then I will practise my moves like Jagger, with a Stinkeroo-Bean who has 10 less teeny knots in her butt.  I am happy about that!  And why wouldn't I be?  Life is today and today is great!  I love my Hubby, I love my Bean and Sushi-goose. I love this song!  Sooo, I'll ask you, are you happy now?  You ought to be, because today's the only day we ever get, tomorrow might be great but let's not get ahead of ourselves.  So why not choose to be happy?  And maybe next time you see me singing on the sidewalk you'll sing the harmony, and we can flip your frown upside down. 
4/19/2012 03:45:34 am

OK... I am going to get happy! Thanks for the reminder that the little things are just that and life is about so much more!


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