It's because to them you're the most beautiful girl in the room.  The one and only... The girl of their dreams. Their calendar girl.  You can call me crazy and even though it may be true, I love boy bands.  There is something special about the way that formula works.  There's a lid for every pot. An object for every affection.  The quirky one, the sensitive one, the bad boy, the tough one, the brainy one.  Whatever your flavour of the week, there's a boy just for you.  They are the neapolitan of music- chocolate, vanilla or strawberry... Why choose when you can have all 3?!?!
   If I think back far enough, I remember NKOTB then BSB then N*Sync now One Direction, with some Take That, Boyz II Men and All 4 One sprinkled in for flava.  How deep was my love, you might ask? Well, it's truly, madly, deeply the most predictable love of all.  I know, I know, it's not COOL to love boy bands with their pop music and choreo-dance moves, their cheesy lyrics or their manufactured sound, but I'd be the first person to tell you, I'm not cool.  It's possible that I might be the reason they exist. I am a 30 year old married woman who still goes gooey when 5 teenage-looking boys harmonize about how lovely I am... Well, I think they're talking to me...
  The boy band is not a new phenomenon.  It's been happening since screaming young women could buy an LP or Cassette tape or CD or MP3 or a special release collection from iTunes.  It's been happening since Beatle-mania- it's been happening since music began.  There will always be a special place on the Billboard charts for the boy band, though for one reason or another they'll never be taken seriously as musicians, unless they live in a Yellow Submarine...  No matter how involved boy bands are in the writing and production of their music, they remain judged by the rest of music-land and post-pubescent society as lame.  Like being a boy band with a squeaky clean-teeny-bopper image is a bad thing.  Teaching our girls that it's better to what? Chris Brown that shit? or get busted for drinking and driving?  Wouldn't it be better if we encouraged our girls to daydream about things a little less violent and legally limited?  It doesn't seem like a big deal... But instead, we want them to grow up- stop listening to that bubblegum?  But I love bubblegum and I am double-mint-serious.
  In a perfect world, the boy band would be celebrated by more than the screaming fans holding out hope that someday, if I could just meet Joe, I know he would fall in love with me... Cause he's the young one, and we're closest in age.  I mean that makes sense...right? To be screaming from the top row of the Skydome taking flash photos of tiny dancing shapes on a pyrotechnic stage! You'd love me if you met me....I believe in our love, Joe.  I know it borders on creepy-stalker when I talk like that, but there's just something about being an awkward girl growing up awkwardly, being worried that no one will love you the way you are and having a boy band look right down the barrel and tell you: "You are the most beautiful girl in the world." and even if it's not true, I believe it anyway.
  I used to love the shit out of Roch Voisine!  Like, only the way a young French immersion girl in Ontario can.  At James McQueen from Grades 4-6, the only things we were allowed to borrow from the library had to be in French. Boo!  At home, in my very English life I listened to George Michael’s “Faith” on my brother’s red Fisher Price tape player, our only portable music device.

   Then one day, it happened! My usual disappointing trip to the school library… energized by this:  Helene
  WHAT?!?!  A FRENCH CANADIAN GEORGE MICHAEL!!!  It was like all of my dreams of unifying the worlds of French and English were recognized when I found this Grade 5 link to multilingual peace.  I rushed to the librarian and put the tape onto her desk, breathless from excitement.  I was the first student to sign out this tape, a tape destined to send me down an intoxicating spiral of men in leather jackets.  But my euphoria was fleeting.  After only a week of listening to Hélène, I had to return it to the library.  And when one of the Jennifers in my class (we had four) signed it out from the library after me, Roch Voisine would disappear from my grade school life. **Side note: I’m pretty sure that particular Jennifer turned out to be a man-stealing whore!**   

  But Roch didn’t stay away for long.  One fateful day after school, he was thrust back into my life by Tarzan Dan’s Hit List and “I’ll Always Be There.” A sexy t-shirt and guitar replaced his leather jacket but it was he!  Now the only thing keeping me from an ear-frolic with my English singing Frenchman, was my search for this song.  Keep in mind this is the early 90's – there’s no iTunes.  Plus, I was saving up for a class trip so my money (which included $1 and $2 bills) was precious.  How was I going to find this song and obsess over it the way a grade school nerd can?  Finally, a moment of blonde brilliance: I would find Roch Voisine hiding in a jukebox.  Problem solved.  Then a moment of despair, as a new problem arose - where would a Grade schooler find a jukebox in the 90s?   

 Every Friday after grocery shopping my parents would take my brother and I out for dinner.  It was usually kid’s choice.  My brother after all had an exclusive diet of Doritos, white powder doughnuts and orange Crush (it’s a wonder his skin wasn’t permanently discoloured, come to think of it).  With some sly moves on my part I would suggest a place I knew he hated, inciting the orange chemical rage within.  And my parents, after a long workweek and wanting desperately to avoid a nuclear meltdown from their youngest child, would suggest that I pick another place.  I would then sigh and feign frustration before proposing… we go to Papa Galluci’s, a local independent pizzeria with - you guessed it - A JUKEBOX!  My brother would say, “double cheese?” to which my parents would breathe a sigh of relief and load us into the Topaz.  Oh, you sly boots Melissa.  You got your way, again.  Pizza and Roch Voisine would soon be mine.   

   Once we arrived at the Pizzeria, I would ask for three quarters.  My father would roll his eyes and put $2 in quarters on the red-checkered tablecloth.  I would walk to the jukebox, catching a reflection of my crazed eyes in its bent glass, scrolling through the Eagles, Nirvana and Tom Petty with the focus only a grade schooler has.  George Michael snags my attention for a split second before I decide that would be a waste of a song choice.  After all, that man is waiting for me at home and will sing to me for free.  With $2 working out to 12 choices, I had to be smart.  I was focused on one thing and one thing only: the tiny strip of paper with Roch Voisine handwritten in the middle and “I’ll Always Be There” E9 and “Kissing Rain” E10 above and below.  These songs become selections one, two and three;“ Kissing Rain” being played twice, back to back.  

Confident in my song selections, I head back to the family booth and wait for the pizza to arrive.  Just under nine minutes of music and every Friday thereafter, my father would comment that all the music today sounds the same.   As the double cheese pizza arrives still bubbling from the oven, I realize I have indeed found the Grade school link to multilingual peace: it’s Roch Voisine on the Jukebox. And with four song choices left, I knew the fun was just beginning. Merci Roch Voisine, en-chanté!