Dear Opportunity,
    So very much has happened since we had our chance meeting at Starbucks when I wasn't wearing any makeup and hadn't washed my hair.  It was so nice to see you, looking like you just stepped off a runway with matching accessories.  Where to begin? 
   Well, we moved.  As I tenderly wrap my Marilyn sweater into a hug and nestle her into my new closet on a new wooden hanger, I thought of my Little King, and laughed.  Four long years in 400sq ft, this is so much better.  I am still figuring out where my life belongs in this place. Where to sleep? Or nap- both being very important and separate resting periods.  Where to snuggle? Where Lucy curls up. My hubby thinking I am crazy trying to find places for things.  I've never had to worry where things went. They only had one place to go: there.  Where's the faucet position for optimal hand washing temp. Turning lights on and off for the first time, and guessing what Hubby is doing in the other room by the sounds. It's amazing.  Using the new washer and dryer.  Them, I love- cutting my laundry time in half by 3 days.  Throwing out unpaired socks. Cause they won't find themselves and move over. Realizing that unsupervised Jilly will nest inside warm, clean laundry. 
   Oh, then there's Jilly one week after vaginal reconstruction surgery and feeling much snappier. Being stubborn as usual and pulling me toward the dog park. Weird thing though she's still running into walls with her giant plastic cone, which I honestly thought by now she would've learned how to navigate.  The impact may actually be making her dumber. A worrisome thought when you just spent $3,000 on surgery. But insurance paid for that, well most of it. But not the taxes, never the taxes. *insert fist shake
   Our new house isn't all washing machines and dog surgeries though.  Don't forget the flood, the mail standoff, the mis-wired door buzzer and the constant upgrades, it's a disaster.  The slow return of the neighbours, coming home to their dry but damaged stuff. It's an antique collectors nightmare! Irreplaceable heirlooms. Wood that's now more prone to cracking, splitting and splintering.  One neighbour explaining why she thought she didn't need insurance; "Cuz nothing she owned was valuable"...Except when it all gets ruined at once and needs to be replaced.  That's what insurance is for...Oh yeah, and of course, the last booming machine sucking up humidity into a giant plastic garbage tub is right outside my door. So, I decided to take advantage of the noise and put in a load of laundry. It's amazing how a sound can change when it's answering to your sock and towel whims and not the building manager's, who is scared everyone is gonna sue. It's a fantastic time of inconvenient building posts and no base boards.
   Otherwise, It's been a wicked month. I have a slightly regular job. Slightly meaning- 2-3 times a week. Commercials on the side, and this. I have watched my Likes grow and my web traffic increase to a steady flow. I created my first guest blog for Misfits & Mascara! Now, I have you. Your my new favourite and when you don't comment I get lonely.  But as I say- I want you, to want to want me, but I don't want to ask.

Love and Likes.
The other Mom
4/20/2012 06:44:12 am

I am enjoying your blog. It helps me get to know my daughter.


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