My day is separated into capsules of time; 20 mins to shower, 15 mins to do my make up, 40 mins to choose what to wear.  Then there is the never ending list of things that no matter how often you do or for how long, you have to keep doing over and over and over.  For example....Laundry.  If life had a top ten list of things that don't stop until you do (meaning when you croak), it might look like this.

1. Making the bed- every time you get out of it, it needs to be made again. And washed- folded, flipped, and so on.

2. Sweeping/Mopping/Swiffering- Just cleaning the damn floor, cause you're always walking on it, making it dirty again, finding tumble weeds of fur that have been driven into corners by the flow of traffic and spills from moving a hot pot too quickly into the sink

3. Walking the dog/cleaning the kitty litter/pooh-duty- HA I said duty (oh wait, that joke doesn't work when you're reading it *insert sigh & shrug)

4.Dishes- including but not limited to all the pots and pans you cooked with and the plates and silverware you ate off of.  And would you just wash that glass that's been beside the bed for the last 2 days? It has dust floating in it.

5. Groceries- if you want something to make your dishes dirty you need to go out and get groceries, carry them home, cut or chop, clean and store.  Make room in the fridge, cupboards and on shelves, don't forget that organizing can help your digestive system!

6.  Bills, taxes, receipts and just general bookkeeping and life management. If you want to know how you're doing life-wise, this is a good place to start and keep up with, cause people will hound you for $17. 86 (FED EX, I'm talking to you)  

7.  The Bathroom- clean, sanitize, polish and scrub. This room is always getting used by bums and naked bodies.  It's important to clean it often and well.

8. Laundry- Clothes, towels, sheets and whatever else needs to be de-grossed, de-haired or just freshened up.  A light, fresh, clean scent creates an air of country in the city.

9.  Swiffer- Before I even get to number 10 it's time to Swiffer again, I mean Jilly and Lucy are eager for a little sister I guess.  A baby Dat or Cog...I haven't decided, unless I just start knitting a fur sweater, which would be ecologically responsible, but really creepy.

10.  Myself- I need showers and shaves and scrubs and de-fur-ing and plucking and tweezing and clipping and shaping and stretching and warming ad nauseam, though I do consider myself a pretty clean person. (Ironic emphasis on Pretty*wink)
  Life is an ongoing holding pattern of mundane activities, but the one thing that isn't mundane is life....Wha? That sounds very Zen of me.  I am always surprised to find myself happy with the little things, but I would be happiest if I didn't have to keep SWIFFERING!
3/30/2012 05:21:15 am

OMG - I so agree with one -- what I want to know is why all the list is my JOB!

3/30/2012 09:07:25 am

You do number 8, way too much. ;)


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