At work I am a stand alone department-literally. I spend most of my time with hair people, the wardrobe department and makeup. With rotating shifts of camera department, grips and electrics. I have taken it upon myself to be the cruise director. A position in which I excel- thank you, Momma. I was the first person on set to know everyone's name and the only one who tried to find a connection with each of them. But there is one... Heretofore known as the 'Subject'. One stubborn colleague who chooses to be opinionated, which I have no problem with.  Herein lies the rub: No matter my opinion, the Subject's is opposite. Les sigh. 

  While working together these last 54 days (but who's counting?) I have started a study in human psychology.  As a rule I look on the bright side, so for the first 10 days I answered everything with a positive spin. This method was quickly labeled as annoying optimism and treated as a buzzing fruit fly. Small, obnoxious and unrelenting to the Subject's swatting pessimism. 

  In an effort to modify my 'behaviour' I began to simply agree with the notions put forth. Positive or negative, I would acknowledge and accept the Subject's opinion. This I thought would appease the ever shifting perspective of the Subject- sadly no. When met with agreement the Subject would retract the statement and defend the target. Sadly, I was on the wrong side of the fence again. 

  If the Subject didn't like optimism and isn't looking for pandering.  The new theory I implemented was: I would remain impartial. With no opinion. Stay on the fence.  A simple plan...though the Subject was not impressed with my silence. The fact that I would listen without retort was not what they wanted. I am sure the thought crossed their mind: What happened to all the Meliciousness from last week? This brought me to my current position.

  With the most recent 10 days I have attempted to play Devil's advocate. Opposites attract you know. And boy do they stick and flip and repel in a complicated dance of 'I hate you-then I love you-then I hate you again'. The Subject's eyes lighting up at the sight of a new challenge. Another adversary to be crushed. But for me- it was a delicate navigation. Always on my toes; waiting to take position on the other side of the fence. Opposing all offenses with a full court press.  Not something that was easy- though this was the wheelhouse the Subject desired. 

  Hey. Wait, hold the phone. Roddamned if you do, roddamned if you don't. The only way to get the Subject to like me was to constantly create conflict. After 54 days, psychology taught me that not everyone will like me, and I don't need to like everybody either. Wha-wha-what? Could it be true that the study of the human psyche actually taught me about psychos? Some people are just not meant to be friendly. Sad but Hurray! The 54 day realization is that I can try my darndest to get people to like me, but if I don't like the person I am while trying, what's the point? As for this cruise director, I have posted a schedule of this week's activities in the mess hall, be sure to sign up for fun as slots fill fast. Our first event? Fencing.

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